
Responses from gmood1

Toslink/iTunes into DAC, Why not use iTunes volume
Using the Itunes volume control is a no no. It's fine for background music, but not good if you want to hear all that is there. You can go to Benchmark's website and read up on why it's not the best way to go. Better to use an analog or separate v... 
Speaker recomendations plz?
Their not bookshelves the price I would find a way to make them fit in the room! lolI have no affiliation with this company, but from all the audiophiles going koo koo for cocoa puffs over them.There's got to be something to these $699.00 spe... 
Help shipping a speaker over seas
Yup the faster the shipping the better for speakers. Triple boxing? should be fine. FedEx express did a fine job with a pair of 240lb speakers I shipped over seas..they arrived without a scratch. 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
Not sure if you listen too this type of music, but if you do.. once you get setup.. try out some of these free recordings Ryan Adams Live at Somerville Theatre .Thanks for the unmapping info. My USB-AUDIO was already unmapped , but I did unmap my... 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
Thanks Oldlistener for the clarification. This is what I thought from the start. My USB-Audio driver does what you describe. It talks directly to the Dac. It has something to do with the Burr Brown USB receivers..the USB-AUDIO driver recognizes th... 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
Bigamp I'm confused on this ASIO thing in J.river. When I go to J.River tools and options for selecting ASIO. I select it in the output. Below that I have another ASIO option window. The only two options are ASIO4all and ASIO-USB. Both of which I ... 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
Hi I think you're making this more complicated than it has to be. Just rip your CDs with DbPoweramp using Apple Lossless. The J.River recognizes apple lossless files and pretty much any other format out there. The only other player I've seen that ... 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
Your Echo should show up in the ASIO4all off line window. The difference in Juke box and the full version is the option to select different views. Like theater view ..which is VERY cool! Also you get the TV tuner capabilities with the full version... 
Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC
Thanks Jim for the terrific review! You should be a reviewer for one of the on line magazines. 
How do I optimize J.River with quality sound card
The ASIO4all should work with your sound card just like it does for USB Dacs.Just download it and choose it as your output device in the J.River media center. 
Goodbye CD's
Well Pdn..yes there have been downloads with higher resolution than MP3 for some time now. And it is growing by the day.Are high rez files on par with CDs bought in store?..Yes.In some cases they have more resolution than a store bought CD.For exa... 
How do I bypass KMixer in Windows XP
Hi just go to the link above " Windows XP Audio Playback - Setup Guide'. It explains how to setup WMP. I would advise using Foobar or J.River media jukebox instead of WMP. The J.River jukebox is free and really runs circles around WMP.You're welco... 
Altmann BYOB vs. Audiosector Patek vs. 47 Labs
Interesting Clio, Peter told me he had some form of RVC volume control in the works. He has been working on that for well over a year. Nice to read he's implementing it into his integrated. It should sound fantastic! 
Altmann BYOB vs. Audiosector Patek vs. 47 Labs
Yup..I'm with Bob here. I never noticed the traits you describe Cdc.I'm pretty positive the AudioSector will drive those 4 inchers easily. Rawsonte makes some good chip amps I've been told. You may want to check him out as well. 
How do I bypass KMixer in Windows XP
Here's one guide you can use Windows XP Audio Playback - Setup Guide. Here's the driver you need ASIO4all.Here's another great player you can try for grins J.River Media center. Here's how to set it up J River Media Center Setup.Good luck