
Responses from glide3

Krell KAV300cd Vs. Wadia 830
I have owned the KAV 300cd the resolution cd50 and currently have the cd55(just sold on audiogon) The resolutions are much better than the KAV, IMO. The resolution products are much more musical.The 55 is an improvement over the 50. I have heard t... 
Best speaker a wife would tolerate
The new Audio Physic Avanti 3 is a knockout...sure to please 
Lamm vs Thor preamps
I have Lamm amps and use the Lamm L-1 and as expected they work very well with each other. I believe someone had an L-1 for sale here on Audiogon. 
Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K
I had a chance to hear the new Verity Audio Avanti 3...retail 10k... and what I heard has me believing it will be special. My understanding is that this speaker will begin arriving in the US in Feb( there are currently ony two pair in the states..... 
best cd player for existing system
You don't state a price range but I have used the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 and thought it excellent. 
best all around monitor
I have used the merlin vsm se's the sonus faber electa amator 1's and am now listening to the JM Reynaud Offrandes. All really nice (I use quality tube gear ) The JM Reynauds are my favorite in my system. They are extremly musical and do what I th... 
Audiophile portable CD an oxymoron?, this IS a Radio Shack product and was discontinued several years ago so you must find used. It is worth the hunt as the sound quality is significantly better than what's currently available. The 3400 also has a digital out and is oft... 
Audiophile portable CD an oxymoron?
Try and find an Optimus 3400 on e-bay or this site. It is very often regarded as the best portable made. 
Power Cord comparsion
I have both and agree that the FIM is speacial but the KC no slouch. 
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC
Rmml....I do enjoy listening and I listen alot. I have an anolog front end as well and spend quite a bit of time with the big black discs. The 47 labs comes as close to the qualities I admire in anolog of any digital I've heard in my system. 
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC
Morasp...I have the 47 labs flatfish w/progrssion dac, Lamm L-1, Lamm ML-1's, Kharma Ceramique 2's. I use AZ cables from dac to pre and pre to amps(i used the Nirvana sx from cd to pre and sl from pre to amp). My speaker cables are Purist Dominus ... 
Best Lamm interconnects?
I wholeheartily agree with the above post and the comment on the power cables. I own the ML-1'a with the L-1. I have had great success with the acoustic zen I.C.'s 
Vienna Acoustics Mozart
I don't have experience with your amp except to know it is well respected but....Very good should try and hear them. Audio Physics would also be good in your price range as well as the SF grand piano if you like the SF sound 
Acoustic Zen
I'm using the silver IC....I like it better than any other IC I have experienced and I've tried quite a few in my high res. system. I strongly reccommend an audition it is a very fine cable and very reasonably priced for it's quality. 
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC
I have recently replaced Analysis Plus Silver and Nirvana SX with similar good results. Give it a try you may really like it.