
Responses from glide3

Coincident Total Eclipse/Avalon Radian
It may be difficult but I would try and hear a pair of the Audio Physic Avanti III's. This is a really fine speaker. I would also include the Kharma's (2.1, 0r used 1.0) Both are fairly amp friendly but do require top quality upstream equipment. 
Audio Physic Avanti 3
I have heard them with the herron monos and pre and the thor monos and pre they are excellent with both (150w ss and 30w tube). I think they will be revealed as a class leader and would not hesitate to recommend them if the rest of your system is ... 
Speaker Recommenadations for Cary SLI-80
Some of the Alon speakers would make a real nice match. 
Looking for alternative to Sonus Fabers
I like all mentioned and would add Audio Physic Spark or Step, Spendor ls3/5a or 2/3's and JM Reynaud twin. 
When Traveling, Best Way to Hear CDs...
I travel a lot and love the Ety's. I have used a radio shack 3400 until recently and went with the creative labs 64mb MP3 player. I can store 100 cd's and no need to carry software. The sound is quite good. This has been a great solution for me. 
Digital transmission cables
Margio 5.0 is excellent, if a bit stiff. 
Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?
You would not go wrong with the Kharma Ceramique 1 (used,) the Alon Circe (used)or the new Audio Physic Avanti III's(8.5-9.5k). 
krell Ksa-50s and SF electa amator I,
This would not be my first choice. I own the SF 1's and think any 100w+ Goldmund and the GamuT D200 are wonderful. The Aloia's w/inductive power do remarkably well also. There are also several tube amps that mate very well. I am partial to the 845... 
Best Tube Amp under 10K?
Thor TPA 30 new and/or Lamm ML-1 used. For a less well known and hard to find...Komura 845 SET. 
Electrocompaniet vs. Resolution Audio
Fpeel, I am not very good at the descriptions but I'll try... and keep in mind that this is in the context of my room with my system. The EMC-1 provided a warmer sound which at first can give you the impression of reduced detail and dynamics until... 
Electrocompaniet vs. Resolution Audio
I have owned both the Cd-50 and Cd-55 as well as the EMC-1 and they are all very good. The Res. and Electro sound different and IMO it is not a question of better or worse only what is your preference. Try and hear them both and your choice will p... 
How much does your system retail for?
Retail for my two channel is a bit over 92k. But I live in N.CA so at least it is still a small % of my home cost. How's that for rationalization! 
Plinius SA-100 vs. Rowland Model 2
The Goldman offerings will work well with the Extremas. 
Bel Canto SETi40 intgrtd or SET40 monos
I used to have an Orefeo SET 40. It is a very good amp and the 845's are one of my favorite tubes. The Orfeo is a special version which is beautiful....same amp just different cosmetics. I currently use a pair of Komura SET 845 monos which are bet... 
Headphone Amp
What headphones do you have? The Audio Advancements Ear Max or Better yet Earmax Pro are very good and cool looking as well. With Senn HD600's I prefer them over the grado or headroom choices.