
Responses from glide3

CDPs: Electrocompaniet vs. Meridian
I owned both at one time, as you've concluded they are both very nice. I preferred the EMC-1 in my system, at that time, with my taste in music....Jazz, Blues, Classical. Try to hear them both in your system if possible. I upgraded to the 47labs t... 
Best Integrated Amp
Try a Pathos Twin Tower....I also like the Goldmund....for the money the Job stereo amp with single input and volume control is amazing. 
Transport Help
The audio note dac zero could be considered. I have heard some very good things about it in it's price range. You should be able to get a used/demo for around $500 
Audio Physic---Avanti Century speakers
I know that Audio Physics has just introduced the Avanti III which I believe replaces the century (not sure). The III is excellent, I've had an opportunity to hear them twice. You should try and hear them if you get the chance. 
Audio Physic: Virgo or Libra???
I'd talk directly to the US importer about their synergy with your room.( website also describes in deatil Immedias views on the optimal way to set up the AP speakers. Yamamura cables are also an excellent match. As for th... 
Audio Physic: Virgo or Libra???
The Virgos would be great in your room. As mentioned earlier the Avanti III's a very fine speakers...I had a chance to hear them at both Singers and Immedia and wow! If there is anything better in this price range I have not heard it. 
Help wanted in regards to monitors...
I would add the J.M. Reynaud Trentes to your sure to include their magic stands if you go this way. 
Acoustic Zen vs. Coincident CST
I can only give you the AZ side as I have no experience with the Coincident. As always this is my opinion based on my system. The Az is very, very good. I have put alot of cable in my system over the last few years, some very expensive, and the AZ... 
Rowland Concentra vs ...........
I have owned the concentra 1 and currently own a pathos twin tower rr integrated. The concentra was very nice...powerful, smooth, first rate build but IMHO the Pathos is a much more exciting amp to listen through. It is also a visual knockout. It ... 
Rowland 8TiHC vs. Lamm M1.1
I don't think you will go wrong either way as both are excellent. I have spent alot of time w/Rowlands but with different speakers and they are very fine. I own Lamm ML-1's and have heard them with the Verity and this is a great and popular match.... 
Best headphone amp.
I highly recommend the Audio Advancements Ear Max Pro for the Sennheisers...I have no experience with the Grado. This is a very cool looking tube (3-12ax7's) amp that is great with the HD-600's. I have owned the Headroom and Grado and to my ears t... 
Rega Mira/Brio ?
I have had experience with the Mira and think it is very good. I helped a friend set up their first Hi Fi a couple of months ago and was able to put a mint/used Mira, Planet, Dynaudio Audience 40 system together for $1100.00 and in their smallish ... 
Power Plant 300 or EQUI=TECH
I have both The equi=tech sounds better on my cdp (47 labs flatfish w/progression dac) and the PP300 w/multiwave sounds better on my Preamp (Lamm l-1). Don't ask me why. The overall advantage of the equi=tech is that it can accomodate all your gea... 
Electrocompaniet EMC-1
A very good to excellent cdp at it's price IMO. 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
I will second... or is it third the J.M. Reynaud suggestion. I own the Trentes and they are excellent. They seem to get everything right and are very musical. As a musician I'm guessing this will be important to you. If you get the speakers be sur...