
Responses from glide3 better CEC MARL MBL
I have heard the MBL and CEC and it is not so much a question of better just different, both are very good. To add to your challenge I chose the Burmester 979. Why?....I found it the most neutral and therefore had the best synergy with the rest of... 
Anyone using Pure Note or Stealth cables
I recently began using the Stealth Varidig balanced and am very happy with it's performance. 
Tubed Headamp for Grado RS-2 ?
The audio advancements earmax or earmax pro may be your ticket. 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
Along with the above choices I think you are on target with the Audio Physics speakers. The Virgos would fit easily into your price range. 
Your favorite blues album?
I like all the above and would add Kelly Joe Phelps, "shine eyed mr. zen" and "roll away the stone". 
The most beautiful Integrated Tube amp?
Pathos Twin Towers for looks and sound and the Unison for looks (may also sound great but I have no personal experience)The ATM 300 is also very good looking in a more traditional way and has great sound. 
Will Lamm amps drive power hungry speake
As an ex owner of Lamms most powerful "tube" amp ML-1's (true hybrid) I would be concerned relative to the Rowland 9ti you are currently using and the difficult load the Avalons can present....I would tend to agree with the above post or, if you c... 
Which Headphone Amp for Sennheiser 600?
The Audio Advancements Earmax or Earmax Pro is great with the the 600's. I have tried the others listed here(with the exception of the wheatfield) and IMO the Earmax is a step up. You can find them used here or on E-bay from time to time for aroun... 
Has Anyone Heard the Kharma Loudspeakers
I have owned the Ceramique 2's and listened extensively to the 1's and have heard the Reference 1B's and they are very good speakers. They have superb coherence and a wonderful midrange. With the right associated equipment they can be great IMO. 
Aloia's and Power
As the previous poster asserts, I think you will be suprised (pleasantly)with how the Aloia controls your speakers. 
Best Phono Pre-amp..for the money?
I would add the EAR 834P to this list. You will need to replace the stock tubes with NOS but you can find used for $400 and it is exceptional at this price. 
Best Tube Int under 4K?
It is a hybrid using tubes on the input side but I think it is hard to beat the aesthetics and sound quality of the Pathos Twin Tower(used 3-3.5k). I own this amp and a couple of much more expensive tube amps and it holds it's own quite well. 
Unbelievable Solid State Amp at 2-3k ran
While a used one may be a little above your 3k price range I would also recommend the GamuT D200. I have owned mine for 3 months and am very impressed. If you can stretch a bit this would be an excellent choice. 
Speaker Help-B W,alon,AudioPhysic,Aerial
I second the Virgo. 
Thank you all for your opinions/impressions....I have decided to give them a try.