Responses from ghdprentice
Do you find that different cable manufacturers do certain types of cables better? I have to agree that the among the very best in transparent interconnects and speaker cable… if you want neutral, is Transparent. But, you have to want neutral. The only power cord that was not as good on my equipment was the amp… and to be honest... | |
Traveling equipment reviews? Well if you get out to the Portland Oregon area, give me a holler.. N95+ required. Hey, that is not that far from Elizabethtown. Love that movie. I’m originally from The Chicago area. | |
Traveling equipment reviews? Where do you live? It strikes me as you did a pretty good job of assembling an initial system. The pandemic will eventually end. My audio guy will accept appointments. Use N95 or better masks. Listen to,the best he has.., in each liste... | |
Naim? A $35K amp can definitely be worth it… I guess mine was $22K and well worth it. The only way to find out is to read professional reviews and to listen to it… with components you understand. Having said that, Naim has never appealed to me. To m... | |
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "? @mapman Pithy. | |
Improving my Preamp Hum should be non existent for and good tubed anything. Always max out your expenditures on a preamp. It is the real centerpiece and sets the tone of your system. Audio Research Reference +++ Really detailed, musical and natural. Built to last a l... | |
Help with finding a new streamer. Aurender does support Spotify but Spotify is not a high resolution provider. The service you use highly effects the sound. I would like to recommend Qobuz again… so do the free month. Aurender has IEC power connectors. | |
Audio Research Ref75 se +++++ Audio Research Preamps… I have been using them for 25 years… really good choice. I found the more Audio Research in the audio chain the closer to the concert hall you get. They are really synergistic. | |
Recomendation on a small DAC & Headphone amp for office desk While I have not heard the fireflies… my experiences with Woo has been terrific… they are so good at what they do, and tubes by them gets you real natural sound as well as detail and bass. I really think you are going to really like it, and long t... | |
Are there any audiophile Air BnB's? Great idea. I would never have thought of it. I would like to stay there, if you find one. Given that most equipment can be destroyed my a slight misstep. My best friends Audio Research preamp worked flawlessly for twenty years until his fath... | |
Cardas Clear Beyond XL PC I have been comparing and contrasting Cardas (my dealer loves them) with Transparent. I have previously used DH Labs, WireWorld, Shunyata, and a couple other. I eliminated the others on your list by research. By most recent detailed comparison... | |
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "? No, you do not. The real key to audiophile level performance is the streamer. Then when you get to the level of performance you are looking for you can start tweaking interconnects, power cords, and maybe add a EtherRegen.. (~$600). I run my sys... | |
Speaker switch box for bi-wired speakers Sound quality degradation comes with all switch boxes… no extra charge. Unfortunately, no way out of it. I have tried a couple as high a quality as I could find simple to re-prove it. | |
Help with finding a new streamer. I have owned and tried a number of streamers including Auralic Aries G2, Linn, and Aurrender N100, N10, And W20SE. I also tried a dozen or more combos of PC, and Mac (not the way to go). I recommend Aurender. Each step up the Aurender chain is... | |
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "? I have the best audio system I have ever heard… in fifty years of pursuing the high end. My digital streaming is equal in every way to my analog end (also outstanding). I use a common NETGEAR router ( which I upgraded recently and it had no impact... |