

Responses from geph0007

Tar labs RCS CD veses AP solo crystal oval
I think you hit it pretty close to what I am hearing. Did you prefer one of over the other?? Thanks 
To Vandersteen or not to Vandersteen
I also am asking this question again!!I am still trying to move in a different direction and have 3 contenders Wish I could get them all together but that is not happening fundswise. The SDAs and Infinitys I do have together. PolkSDA2Bs which I ow... 
Which N AD?? or maybe Marantz
That would not surprise me as the 8004 is $1000 amp and the 315 is around $300 and you are right about the nAD being great bang for the buck The 317 was made 1995-1998 and sold for $749The marantz was made 2000-?? and sold for $449For the T man, t... 
Which N AD?? or maybe Marantz
Looks like it is down to the NAD 317 or marantz PM 7000 
Rotel RC 995 preamp v RC 1070 any reason for one o
I would agree about the insides I know what you are saying. I also did have a 1090 briefly but it was pretty warm sounding in my system. Very well built. Interesting comment about the stage. I swear when I had a Rotel RB990 and RC 995 the stage se... 
Which N AD?? or maybe Marantz
Any thoughts on this?? Thanks 
Which integrated amp?
Power numbers are a funny thing. From an electrical point of view and then the there is the sonic reality. My experience was the Anthem was effortless but somewhat dry. The Expouse sounded like the more powerful of the two with great punch and dyn... 
Integrated amp: jumpers versus cables
I have had countless amps and receivers with the metals jumpers I have Audioquest (made by Audio Advisor) and Pure silver ones and have tried the true Audioquest ones. I have compared them all and they do sound different from ezch other and diiffe... 
Which integrated amp?
I have owned the Vincent and the Exposure. The Vincent is very nice but in my system with my chair, beer, cable, speakers and so on I found it ever so slightly thin sounding but pretty good overall. The Exposure is something else. it is stunning w... 
Marantz PM68 or PM 7000?? V NAD 1020/2140
Hi Any thoughts on this/? 
Audiotruth Opal v Analysis plus Copper oval IC
I also have Quartz, Roby and Topaz. Not sure how i ended up with them I have heard it said that was there best series. The quartz is noce but can be bright. The Ruby is very good for the money. 
Older HK pre power 725+ 770 v 825+870
OK I would like to compare them but no chance so i have to depend on others opinions. 
NAD C370 V NAD C372
Jumpers for NAD C370
R U realy serious Unfortunatly yes. Many many guys have changed them out. That is like saying its only a power cord. In a perfect world NONE of this would matter but as annoying as it is they do sound different. It has nothing to do with length. I... 
Integrated with good headphone output
Had the Creek OBH11. Forget the no remote part. I always thought it sounded somewhat mechnical then two of us compared to a Rotel RA 972 integrated that was laying around it we both thought the Rotel was more natural and musical