

Responses from geph0007

Exposure 2010S verses 3010S
I understand your point completely. I worked in the biz and saw it happen many times. My issue is that I do not have easy access to the 3010S so my question was has anyone compared the two. to each other. That will tell me if it is worth the hastl... 
which budget integrated amp Rotel, NAD or other
I went through a whole slew of amps from NAD, Rotel, Cambridge Audio, Musical Fidelity, Creek, Vincent ect and then I found the Exposure 2010S. It is mind blowing. The sound is tramsparent and real. It sounds like live music. All the others had th... 
Which integrated to pick...
Check out the Exposure 2010S I have had Bel Canto, Plinius, Creek, Cambridge Audio, Vincent, Musical Fidelity, NADn Rotel and have found this unit to be stunning. It sounds like live music. Depends on your system. 
Vintage 1989 Magnavox CDB482 player- Impressive
I am not surprised. I used to have cheap Magnavox changers through about 1995 (the dual 16bit ones) and I swear they are more musical and natural then anything I have owned since. Rotel ,NAD, Cambrige, Vincent and now a Sony SACD XA 7777ES. 
Creek 5350se vs. Cambridge Audio 840a V2
I hae had and compared all of these head to head. The 840 I had was the first generation and is a very detailed but flat sound. The V2 might have addressed these issues. The Creek 5350 is a very nice amp but the soundstage is way smaller then the ... 
Exposure 2010S Integrated. Any experiences??
Thanks for your responses. This unit is a consignment piece I can pick up for about $750. I also have a Creek Destiny coming (demo piece for around $1600) and hope to compare them. I also have my vincent 236MKII here. No I am not wealthy , but it ... 
NAD M3 V Vincent 236MKII any experiences??
Well I would sure like to know if any of this is true. I have the exact unit that was reviewed in Stereophile this month and had understood that the Vincent goods were designed in Germany and manufactured in China. As I understand it the Chinese b... 
Filter settings on Sony SCD XA777ES
Thanks, That first response is very funny. I like it!! Yes they do sound different. The optuional is more focused but it seems like it also may make the stage bigger which goes against what the manual says. What are your thoughtsa on the unit as a... 
NAD M3 V Vincent 236MKII any experiences??
I do have the 236MKII and it seems to be very impressive but I lost my baseline a while ago. I have always liked NAD hence the question. Keith 
NAD M5 vs Cambridge 840c
I do not have experinece with that particular NAD but a friend and I did try the 840. We used it in two different systems wit Cardas Neutral Reference and thought a Denon 1650 sounded better. However when he switched to balanced (not an option for... 
Plinius 9100 and 9200?
The comparison was CD only. They are both great units so one could go either way depending on ones tastes. 
Plinius 9100 and 9200?
I haver owned the 8200 and 8200MKII at the same time (only for comparison). We compared these at length. The 8200 is more vibrant and defined. It has an energy to it. Musical in an exciting kind of way. The MKII sounds slower and more laid back bu... 
Opinions on the following Integrateds
Thanks guys, No love for NAD. Right now I like the NAD 3400 Monitor seies IA over the Rotel 990 power and 995 pre I am using. Better in the voices and bigger stage but had to replace the jumpers on the NAD with cardas neutral reference. Really cha... 
Rotel RB990,991,1080 Sonic differences??
Thanks much. Did you find the detachable power cord a good thing or just another annoying variable to screwup? The power cord thing bugs me. When I look inside and see the little wires it goes right back to it seems so stupid to mess with the gard... 
"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
Maybe I missed something. Are you ( Dcstp) saying the Bel Canto with the Tripath module is not digital???? Keith