

Responses from geph0007

Exposure 2010Sv NAD 375BEE Worth comparing??
Any thoughts on the Anthem 225. I thought it was very good but seemed a little more laidback and distant, but very good. The headphone amp in it seemed pretty good. keith 
Rega apollo v NAD 565 BEE comparsion Others?
A friend and I tried 840s about a year ago against a Denon 1650AR and like the Denon better. However when he switched to different IC and went balanced the 840 stepped ahead. The Apollo was very good but I thought a little soft. Would an IC change... 
Cardas Neutral Ref IC V Cardas Cross
I have tried anti cables speaker cables twice. They are made 10 mimutes from me. They are great for the money or even beyond BUT seveal of us noticed they do no have much sense of the venue or the spaxe the performance is taking place in. Not sure... 
Cardas Neutral Ref IC V Cardas Cross
I am finding the cross to have a larger stage and not to be quite so analytical. NR is a detail machine but very clean. The croos also seems as if the bass is stronger. keith 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
On redbook, how does the Sony 5400 compare to the Sony SCD XA777ES? keith 
What is the most analog sounding CD player under $
Would the 5400 be much different then the SCD XA777ES?? keith 
Cardas Neutral Ref ICs time to change??
What about the Cardas Cross or AP Solo crystal Oval?? keith 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
I do not have SACDs so I do have to ask, how is the redbook play? keith 
Does your system do things better in the dark?
Bingo ,right on ther money. I always do comparisons at night. keith 
What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed
I just looked inside to see which side has the wires to the transformer and which appear to have nothing. keith 
Anthem 225 V Exposure 2010S Anyone ?
See if you can audition them. I have but will hold opinion until i hear from someone else. I to am somewhat swayed by the features on the 225. A headphone unit and phono section. I wish more would do that. keith 
Experience with high end fuses????
Well I received a HiFi Tuning fuse and campared it to the Furutech. bear in mind this is for my sytem only. The HiFi sounded more open in the vocals and seemed to have more extension. When I switched back to the Furutech I felt like the midrange g... 
Experience with high end fuses????
"1.they do not alter the basic sound of your system.This is extremely important for me;I find that the furutech fuses tend to emphasis the high;so if your system is in need for such things try them out."I think this is exactly what I am hearing as... 
Considering a move to Exposure or Naim
I have not heard the Naim but have had exposure (ha ha) to the Exposure and now have a 2010s. I listened to( in my own home) or owned Musical Fidelity A300, Plinius 8200,8200mkII, Bel Canto, Vincent 236MKII, Creek Destiny Creek 5350SE and Cambridg... 
What is an upgrade from the Creek 5350SE Classic?
Having had the Creek and Creek Destiny, Vincent 236MKII among many others I was stunned by the Exposure 2010S. I even called a out of state dealer who carried both the Creek Destiny and the Exposure told them what I was hearing and asked them if I...