

Responses from geph0007

Onkyo A 9555 who does it compare?
What NAD amp and preamp did you have? 
Which NAD amp??
Did you compare the 370 and 372 amp sections to the 216? In other words bypass the preamp section Having said that I did pick up a 216 and based on the 370 and 372 I had I think it is better FYI The 216 power amp is 7lbs more then the 270 or 272. ... 
Speaker jumpers and hook up choices Question
BINGO that is exactly what I found. I mean you could not have said it better Notice I did not say one was beter then the other.just different Not sure which I like 
Speaker jumpers and hook up choices Question
From Audioquest Note they say to put the pos to the high and neg to the lowWhen using a single set of full range cables with a BiWirable speaker, youmight as well do it properly … it costs nothing and makes a difference youcan hear. When using jum... 
Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?
Check this. Pretty interesting. ouhttp://www.nordost.com/downloads/NorseJumperinstructions.pdft 
Speaker jumpers and hook up choices Question
I should just take off the back plate and tie the high and low togetherFrom NordostWiring Confi gurationsThe correct wiring confi guration for a bi-wiring arrangement can bereadily established by experimentation, but in general, the best resultswi... 
Speaker jumpers and hook up choices Question
Thank you AL Can you expand on that at all? I have to draw that on paper to see it I had PSB Goldi and Mirage m7si were it was easy to take the back plate off and tie the high and low together and then put it back to riginal. I felt the speakers s... 
Speaker jumpers and hook up choices Question
I agree but this website is tiny % of people who buy speakers Many audio guys do not do it .In fact I read an article last summer were it was mentioned that some spekaer makers are going to go back to a pair of terminals. THANK YOU!! I like the Va... 
Anthem Integrated 225 -opinions
I tried an Anthem and really wanted to like it but felt it was kind of dry sounding Had an Exposure 210S2 next to it and i would have sworn the Exposure was the bigger amp Just more alive and sounding more like live music. 
Marantz PM 8003 v Rotel or NAD sperates
I already have the seperates and one pair will be leaving for sure. Just not sure which one The other option is to get rid of both pairs of sperates and get the 8003 AGAIN. 
Tossed between the horns Maggie 3A/PSB Gold I
I had the PSB units in piano black mind you. I was hoping that they would be the end all be all as they looked unreal. They were very good but a bit warm and veiled compared to other things I had here Really good but just not my thing. 
ADS MV 80 T Anyone ever owned them?
St ill wondering if anyone has had experience with these. I gave them up for a pair of Infinity Kappa 8.1 series II but i have may have made a mistake. I can get them back. The ADS seemed more rich and full . The kappa's are more transparent and o... 
Best older universal for CD playback??
The list is of units that run $200- $400 and play almost everything I can afford that and no more. Times are beyond tough $$ wise. I have the 7001 ($799 new) and when I bring in an old Onkyo DX C909 6 disc or an Adcom GCD 700 and they hseem to sou... 
Marantz PM 17SA v PM 8003
I have not sat down for a complete comparo but the 8003 has tighter bass ,detail is easier to hear ie more transparent and it is more neutral verses the PM 17 warmth This is going to be interesting 
Mirage M7si bass bump how to deal with it?/
It does not sound as bad as it looks and the speakers are very impressive I tried a marantz PM 8003 and that has pretty tight bass which helps Not sure if it is enough yet.