

Responses from geph0007

"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?
I thought I should add my 2 cents since I have just been through this experience. Let me be clear-this is ONLY my perspective, my experience, and what I have heard for myself and from others. I also should mention I see listening to music can be d... 
NAD since the 3020/7020
Does either one remind you of the 7020 at all??? How do you think the 355 would compare to the 370 or 372?? I just picked up a used NAD 3400 form the Monitor Series. I have had othe monitor Series items over the years but this integrated is nice. ... 
NAD since the 3020/7020
Thanks, How would you compare the 320 to the 355?? keith 
Where to put interconnects ???/
Thanks. Thats funny stuff. Having been doing that for years Even when I worked in the biz. I am done doing it . I had gone to an integrated from seperates but had to sell the integrated and go back to some stuff I could get cheap. Also the locatio...