

Responses from geoffkait

Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Why would anyone send me an LP? Hel-looo! Send the LP to a cryo lab. Listen to the cryo'd LP. If you cannot be sure of the results, mistrust your ears, or have poor aural memory, etc. compare the cryo'd LP to the same LP that hasn't been cryo'd. Y... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
"""can you explain the specifics of how you compared the before and after to verify that you can hear a difference of a cryo'd LP?"Geoffkait, That is a very logical question, and one I'm glad someone finally asked. I'm on pins and needles......"Ye... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
"Geoffkait - I'll admit that I have reached the end of my ability to discuss this topic in a useful way. I'm not a materials engineer or an expert on the cryo process so I can't really get into the specifics of the process and how it relates to sp... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
"Geoffkait - So you're saying that you're willing to compare the sound of a hammer blow to a piece of metal to what happens when an LP is cryo'd?"Yes. But I did not say hammer blow."If this is the common result of cryo treatment of metal why would... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
The cryo'd steel (or aluminum) rod vibrates less when struck with, say, a wrench or other tool, more of a "thunk" than ringing. I actually cryoed all the steel or aluminum rods for one of my products (isolation stand) way back when for just that r... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
It's quite obvious, having done it, that cryoing a steel rod makes it vibrate less, so it's not too much of a stretch that the same is true for vinyl. So I disagree with your premise that a more homogeneous material doesn't vibrate less (for its m... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Mceljo, while I appreciate that cryo is very mysterious, not so much for tools and musical instruments and golf balls and rifle barrels, racing engine pistons and valves, and razor blades, for which the benefits appear to be strictly better durabi... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
"Well, with over 105,000 casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I think it's pretty safe to say that the atomic bomb is real." Yes, I suppose that's true. But it's also true the use of the atomic bomb prevented 500, 000 casualties. So, one could sa... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Mceljo - It's certainly understandable that one cannot conceive how Cryo-records could make a difference. I suspect until one actually tries these things for himself, in his own system, with his own ears, the preposterous nature of things like cry... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Mceljo, of course it's true there is such a thing as the placebo effect, who would disagree with that? But the placebo effect can be rather eliminated as a cause of the effect through careful listening tests. After all, if the placebo effect could... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Well, the best answer to your questions is that the cryo process must work on LPs since they do sound better afterwards. Folks question cryo for wires, CDs, tonearms, electron tubes, CD players and cross-over networks, too. 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
The cryo process doesn't actually result in compressing the atoms of the material - the atoms compress during the freeze cycle then expand during the thaw cycle. The result is a more homogenous arrangement of the atoms. The stress relief aspect of... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
Of course, it should be pointed out those who doubt the whole cryo thing never are the ones to provide measureable data. That would be too, uh, contradictory. :-) 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
The only thing that I can think of would be that a cryo-treated LP would somehow resist vibration better, but generally a more uniform material will resist vibration less.Bingo! The same with metals, e.g., why a steel rod will vibrate or ring less... 
Cryogenic treatment of an LP?
"Geoffkait - Unless cryo treating changes the physical shape of an LP then it should sound identical."It doesn't change the physical shape of an LP any more than it changes the color. Cryo treatment doesn't change the physical shape of brass, silv...