

Responses from geoffkait

The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
I am rather certain the color(s) of the inks used in the manufacture of the CD label influence(s) the sound, as well as the results of various mats. While I'm keen on the color turquoise, it appears that different CDs often respond differently to ... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
You are being argumentative and cannot support your claim. Furthermore, name calling is childish and unprofessional. 
Upgrading Fuses
The least expensive fuse upgrade is flipping all existing fuses in the system around - one fuse at a time - and listening to how the direction of each fuse affects the sound. Even for fuses that have been in the system a very long time. There's a ... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
While I don't subscribe to online dictionaries, it's nice to know the dictionary agrees with most of my terminology. I'm quite sure all real audiophiles cherish soundstage and dynamics. I know I do.Cheers 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
"Every listener interprets them differently." So, you know what everyone thinks, eh? Interesting. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Disagree re soundstage. Soundstage is inherent in the recording. I.e., room size and room acoustics are embedded in the fabric of the recording, at least for live music. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
It's not that difficult a concept. Musicality is the inherent realism of the sound as determined by dynamics, microdynamics, tone, rhythm, detail, density of sound, size of soundstage, and emotional impact. Insiders know what the word means. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
It certainly makes sense that the naysayers don't understand the meaning of the word musicality. 
New Tweek - Has anyone ever tried this?
Cones under furniture in the room is an excellent idea. It's one of those things that once you hear it you can't go back. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Yup, that's pretty much the anti-tweak philosophy. 
Best Live Album Ever...
Stones' Get Your Ya Yas Out and the live Clash album. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Ballywho, since you don't know me and have no experience with my products, perhaps it's actually you who has no integrity, although I can certainly understand your anger and frustration. For your information, not meaning to make you even more angr... 
vibration control
Vibration control and vibration isolation is definitely a big issue for fighter jets and NASA spacecraft and much is done to ensure that vibration doesn't interfere with electronics, most of which provide critical functions. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
You got it backwards. The examples you gave actually illustrate the negative expectation bias - if you think the device in question is so preposterous that it can't possibly work, then guess what? It won't. 
power cable length importance
At least you admit you don't know. That's a step in the right direction.