
Responses from gdnrbob

Streaming Qubuz - take it to the next level.
Either move to an Aurender N100 or upgrade your DAC to something like an Ayre Codex or Schiit Yggy, though I think the DAC upgrade will be the most significant change.Bob 
Audioquest thunder vs tornado HC powercords
PM John Rutan (audioconnection).He can clue you in.Bob 
Who Offers a Highly Musical Preamp using a 6SN7 tube and a remote?
An Atmasphere UV-1.B 
Cable retermination, XLR
Unless you live near a good brick and mortar dealer, I would just send the cables back to Straightwire. Either way, you will have to pay, so why quibble?As far as upgrading XLR's, if your equipment supports AES 48, then it should make little diffe... 
amp for vandersteens
A Belles Aria integrated should be a contender, especially if on a budget.Otherwise, an Ayre AX-7. Actually, both are great integrated amps that will complement Vandersteen speakers.Though you didn't ask, I would pair the above with AQ speaker cab... 
Rossini's Bianca e Falliero is the best classical piece ever written
Hmm, now you've got me curious.Which recording? Available on Qobuz?BPS-You have a wide range in music. First Coltrane, now Rossini.I'm impressed. 
I need advice for power cords
Johnny Rutan believes the source should get the best cable first.So, my DAC got an AQ Thunder power cord.He was right, as usual.Bob 
Unusual speaker placement
In my opinion, especially if you can put them near the corners, a pair of Vandy VLR's are one of the best bookshelf speakers out there.If within your budget, the CT version.I own them and find them to be amazing for their size and price.Bob 
Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars
@erik_squires ,+1.I, too, wonder why a speaker designer would design a speaker with such low impedance? -Well, I understand, that such a design contributes to the sound of the speaker, but, when it comes at the price of limiting the amps capable o... 
Speaker cable recommendations in my budget
@oldhvmec,Yes, used cables allow you to buy a very good cable for at least half of 'new'. Cables by Transparent can go for pennies on the dollar if they are older iterations.If you are looking for cables, know that many are system dependent, so do... 
Audioquest Blizzard vs Audioquest Hurricane Source
@blueskywalker ,Ignore the snarky response above.If I were you, I would PM John Rutan (audioconnection). He sells AQ and knows his stuff- and he won't try to sell you something. Tell him what your situation is and I bet he'll be able to guide you.... 
Second sub connection
@Celtic66,+1That is how I run my 2 Hsu Subs.B 
Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?
For the money,Hsu subs are very good. I own a pair of VTF mk2 subs for my office.I only add the caveat that due to owning a pair Vandy subs, as well.The integration and bass provided by a Vandy subs (coupled with the high pass filter) offers a muc... 
Streamer recommendation under $3000
The Memory Player Mini uses JRiver.Aurender uses its' own software.B 
Expert Advise Needed on Streamer - DAC combos.
I would get an Ayre Codex. I own two for my systems.It makes an incredible difference when using the Bluesound Node.The only other way to go is an Aurender N100 with the Codex, but it only lets you use Tidal or Qobuz to stream.If you were to go to...