Responses from gdnrbob
Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one? This is a pretty open question.Can you provide details of what you currently have? Speakers? or are you buying everything now? | |
Does a sub need to be on the floor? I think there is another thread on Audiogon discussing putting subs on stands. It was a couple of months ago. If I remember correctly, some said it made the subs sound better. | |
Schitt Audio Still in business??? I, too, like herbbruce, got a rather uninformative response for them. I ended up putting up a post here on Agon and got my answer.I can kind of understand their position as everyone 'hears' differently, but a manufacturer should be able to articul... | |
Schitt Audio Still in business??? Yes, they are in business.They answered my email in 2 days.I just ordered a Modi Multibit and got it within 5 days.No problems from the Schiit customer. | |
In Praise of Spotify - Discover Weekly I concur, Spotify offers amazing playlists. (I will search for the Stephan Konig).I was using Pandora, but got disgusted with the repetition.Between Spotify and Classics Online, I haven't loaded a CD in months. | |
Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce Stewart, perhaps you should read Merriam-Webster: Usage Discussion of irregardlessIrregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators... | |
Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce Really, Stewart, 'me and any others', 'irregardless'?Sure, you can comment.Though perhaps by using such phrases and that non-existant 'word', the OP will, hopefully, give your comments the weight they deserve. | |
advice- DACs with Tubes, Or??? budget Can you tell us the model Emotiva you are using?Also, what is you current set up? Off the cuff, I think your amp would be most directly responsible for the fatiguing brightness, but I could be wrong. | |
Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce Stewart, I now understand what you were driving at.And, I can understand the disappointment you must have felt having to go back to the Vandy's. But, I want Sinewave to have a honeymoon with his new speakers. Should time reveal any shortcomings, t... | |
Which Zu for you I just bought a pair of Omen bookshelf speakers from Zu and scored a pair of HSU subs on Agon. I am still in the process of putting things together, but I think it is going to be a killer system. I think this might be a cost effective way to get i... | |
Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce Guys!Will you please let sinewave enjoy his purchase?We all have our preferences, but why go out of your way to throw a monkey wrench into someone else's choice.I, for one, hopes he enjoys the Wilson's. BTW, I have the Vandy's, and enjoy them. I h... | |
help a Die hard ANALOG guy choose a budget CDP I own a Rega Apollo R and a McCormack CDP, both sound very good to me and are in your price range.I would also think about a DAC. I reentered HIFI after a 30 hiatus, using streaming music was the last thing on my mind, but, low and behold, I am li... | |
Wall Receptacle Oyaide R0, Furutech GTX-G and SR Black UEF Well, with an system like tjbhuler has, I guess cost wouldn't be a restraint, but for most folks a Porterhouse would be a significant upgrade. | |
Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce Ooohh, I am jealous....Perhaps those Wilson's will be my next move. | |
Difference between Schiit Modi Versions Thanks docknow, I agree, the Bifrost Multibit is unbelievable. I have been using mine daily since I bought it. In fact, I don't even play my CD's anymore. I would get another, but this is just for my office and I wanted to save a few bucks.Is ther... |