
Responses from gdnrbob

Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
Facten, you just can't help yourself.I said I was sorry if it wasn't prescient, but you have to be an a..  
Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32?
Great comments, so far.My 2 cents:Why not contact Revel and tell them your experience? Maybe they can help direct you. 
Vocals and upper midrange too forward?
In my experience, equalizers are more problematic than they are worth.You end up fighting the speaker designers' tech.Given Almarg's expertise and experience, I would try his suggestion first. 
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines
For the cost of the fabric and hardware, I would use it to upgrade the system. I haven't been following the thread, but you mentioned the Vandy 2's originally. Why not get a pair of Quatto's used and go for Solid state amplification?Sorry if I am ... 
Vocals and upper midrange too forward?
I always hate it when an 'upgrade' turns into something not expected, so I will commiserate with you.I was going to say it may be the 'break-in' period, but you seem to dismiss that.-Did the previous owner say how long they were played?Perhaps ano... 
Got an Adcom 5300 to power my Vandies and MA Silver 6's... Now What?
For price and performance, I would look at Schiit. You don't need to spend a lot to get something killer.A Sys and Modi would probably be the way to go with your Adcom, and would cost under $200. They even have a 15 day return. 
Positioning Vandersteens
I concur, Pmotz. Knowing Richard, he will sort this out for the OP.A test CD( or the Vandertones) and a cheap Radio Shack soundmeter should help locate the problem. 
Positioning Vandersteens
I would suggest a call to Vandersteen. Richard answers questions promptly and will give you the best answer. As Pmotz said your situation is hard to diagnose without more information-like room size, speaker position, other components.I own 3a sigs... 
Whole house setup
Wow, you have a lot of equipment!Though most of it is now getting a bit long in the tooth.If you want better sound, you might want to consider an upgrade path.-IMOI think Eric has given some good advice, too. 
Two DACs for one system?
I looked at the Bluesound Webpage. It looks like it connects via Ethernet and then outputs to either RCA or Toslink.So, Yes, I think you need a DAC for your cd player, if it is only a CD transport and not a CD player. The former only plays the CD,... 
When will there be decent classical music recordings?
I disagree with your assumption that classical composers would ' would have been excited if they could have presented their music in effectively another dimension', given that their music was either presented in a concert hall or salon(for small ... 
True audio stories! Do you have any?
The 'Ampzilla'. Wow, that was a while back. Thanks for the trip through memory lane. 
What matching pre-amp to use?
You are welcome Coco-nico, I knew Steve and his crew would take care of you. 
'outboard' high end dac's
+1 for Schiit DAC's.You should call them/email them regarding the DCD/PSM issue-which I have no knowledge of.Though I can say, they are very reasonably priced and perform as well as higher priced products. 
What matching pre-amp to use?
I don't think there is a RLD-2 and $1600 is too much.As far as McCormack being fatiguing, I rather doubt it. Who suggested this? It sounds like they are really pushing the CJ- which I have no experience with, so I can't offer any info on what you ...