Responses from gdnrbob
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines Facten, you just can't help yourself.I said I was sorry if it wasn't prescient, but you have to be an a.. | |
Best amp for natural timbre of unamplified acoustic instruments & vocals w/ Revel F32? Great comments, so far.My 2 cents:Why not contact Revel and tell them your experience? Maybe they can help direct you. | |
Vocals and upper midrange too forward? In my experience, equalizers are more problematic than they are worth.You end up fighting the speaker designers' tech.Given Almarg's expertise and experience, I would try his suggestion first. | |
Finally stepping into the hobby after 30 years of watching from the sidelines For the cost of the fabric and hardware, I would use it to upgrade the system. I haven't been following the thread, but you mentioned the Vandy 2's originally. Why not get a pair of Quatto's used and go for Solid state amplification?Sorry if I am ... | |
Vocals and upper midrange too forward? I always hate it when an 'upgrade' turns into something not expected, so I will commiserate with you.I was going to say it may be the 'break-in' period, but you seem to dismiss that.-Did the previous owner say how long they were played?Perhaps ano... | |
Got an Adcom 5300 to power my Vandies and MA Silver 6's... Now What? For price and performance, I would look at Schiit. You don't need to spend a lot to get something killer.A Sys and Modi would probably be the way to go with your Adcom, and would cost under $200. They even have a 15 day return. | |
Positioning Vandersteens I concur, Pmotz. Knowing Richard, he will sort this out for the OP.A test CD( or the Vandertones) and a cheap Radio Shack soundmeter should help locate the problem. | |
Positioning Vandersteens I would suggest a call to Vandersteen. Richard answers questions promptly and will give you the best answer. As Pmotz said your situation is hard to diagnose without more information-like room size, speaker position, other components.I own 3a sigs... | |
Whole house setup Wow, you have a lot of equipment!Though most of it is now getting a bit long in the tooth.If you want better sound, you might want to consider an upgrade path.-IMOI think Eric has given some good advice, too. | |
Two DACs for one system? I looked at the Bluesound Webpage. It looks like it connects via Ethernet and then outputs to either RCA or Toslink.So, Yes, I think you need a DAC for your cd player, if it is only a CD transport and not a CD player. The former only plays the CD,... | |
When will there be decent classical music recordings? I disagree with your assumption that classical composers would ' would have been excited if they could have presented their music in effectively another dimension', given that their music was either presented in a concert hall or salon(for small ... | |
True audio stories! Do you have any? The 'Ampzilla'. Wow, that was a while back. Thanks for the trip through memory lane. | |
What matching pre-amp to use? You are welcome Coco-nico, I knew Steve and his crew would take care of you. | |
'outboard' high end dac's +1 for Schiit DAC's.You should call them/email them regarding the DCD/PSM issue-which I have no knowledge of.Though I can say, they are very reasonably priced and perform as well as higher priced products. | |
What matching pre-amp to use? I don't think there is a RLD-2 and $1600 is too much.As far as McCormack being fatiguing, I rather doubt it. Who suggested this? It sounds like they are really pushing the CJ- which I have no experience with, so I can't offer any info on what you ... |