Responses from gdnrbob
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design I got an MP-3 with my MA-1's and am so glad I did.B | |
Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit. Why not contact Schiit and get their input on your problem with the Gungy? They might just have an answer.B | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo Your integrated amp has pre out's (according to a quick Google), so you are good to go. You can buy fixed crossovers for approx. $200 in RCA.You can also buy them directly from Vandersteen. | |
Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit. Those Schiit guys seem to be full of themselves. Thankfully, they put out a quality product at an incredible price point.I only get the 'click' if I switch inputs.Bob | |
Vandersteen 2wq with Mccormack dna .5 You can also call SMcAudio.Pat usually answers the phone and can help you. McCormack and Vandersteen were very close for a while, so they have lots of information to provide.B | |
Vandersteen 2wq with Mccormack dna .5 Oh, that’s weird. If that is the case, perhaps you need to go to a higher setting, like 150k ohms. Like I said, (and Johnny), this is something you have to test out yourself to find the right balance.As you are on the West Coast, why not call Mr. ... | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo I Didn't know about your being in Russia. That makes things a bit more complicated. I never would have guessed it, as your English is impeccable.You can certainly PM Johnny R and get great advice for free. He is one of the premier Vandersteen deal... | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo I would contact Johnny Rutan and get his opinion (audioconnection).Also, contact the sellers directly. You can get a better idea of what is being offered.Bob | |
When Money Is No Object -- You Buy Bose? Probably not. The 901's on stands were a pretty striking look, The pic hides them. So, I would say the interior designer placed them for aesthetics more than acoustics, and the photographer composed the shot for overall ambiance.B | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo Yes, Quatro's would be the way to go, in my opinion.The upgrades between the 3a sigs and Treo/Quatro line is significant.If you are looking at the ones for sale here on Agon, I am looking at them, too.I really like the Shahinian's, but their desig... | |
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo I remember the Shahinian's from long ago. It is a nice speaker.The Vandersteen is a whole different animal. In my opinion, Vandersteen's will smoke them.I own the Treo's with a pair of 2w subs and use an Atma-Sphere MA-1 and MP-3 with an Ayre Code... | |
Anyone tried Vandersteen w/ Spectral? @nkonor,That is a sad story.What did you end up doing?Bob | |
Amp connecter to biwire Why not get one pair of spade terminated cables and one pair or banana terminated?If you mean that you have 2 sets of banana terminated cables and want to use them 'as is', then you can either cut off the banana terminations of one set and use the... | |
D'Agostino vs. Ayre I finally found this thread again. Lots of great information- and presented in a friendly way.This is how audiophiles can learn.@OP I think you really nailed the differences between the Ayre and D'Ag amps.Pat at SMc makes a similar case for the S... | |
Vandersteen @bdunne I agree with cedargrove, moving up the line to a pair of a pair of Treo's or, better yet, a pair of Quatro's, would be the way to go.Regarding the move to 3a sig's, I would add another 2wq sub-which would get you into 90% of a pair of 3a s... |