
Responses from gdnrbob

Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
I got an MP-3 with my MA-1's and am so glad I did.B 
Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.
Why not contact Schiit and get their input on your problem with the Gungy? They might just have an answer.B 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Your integrated amp has pre out's (according to a quick Google), so you are good to go. You can buy fixed crossovers for approx. $200 in RCA.You can also buy them directly from Vandersteen. 
Switched from Yggdrasil to Gungnir Multibit.
Those Schiit guys seem to be full of themselves. Thankfully, they put out a quality product at an incredible price point.I only get the 'click' if I switch inputs.Bob 
Vandersteen 2wq with Mccormack dna .5
You can also call SMcAudio.Pat usually answers the phone and can help you. McCormack and Vandersteen were very close for a while, so they have lots of information to provide.B 
Vandersteen 2wq with Mccormack dna .5
Oh, that’s weird. If that is the case, perhaps you need to go to a higher setting, like 150k ohms. Like I said, (and Johnny), this is something you have to test out yourself to find the right balance.As you are on the West Coast, why not call Mr. ... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
I Didn't know about your being in Russia. That makes things a bit more complicated. I never would have guessed it, as your English is impeccable.You can certainly PM Johnny R and get great advice for free. He is one of the premier Vandersteen deal... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
I would contact Johnny Rutan and get his opinion (audioconnection).Also, contact the sellers directly. You can get a better idea of what is being offered.Bob 
When Money Is No Object -- You Buy Bose?
Probably not. The 901's on stands were a pretty striking look, The pic hides them. So, I would say the interior designer placed them for aesthetics more than acoustics, and the photographer composed the shot for overall ambiance.B 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Yes, Quatro's would be the way to go, in my opinion.The upgrades between the 3a sigs and Treo/Quatro line is significant.If you are looking at the ones for sale here on Agon, I am looking at them, too.I really like the Shahinian's, but their desig... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
I remember the Shahinian's from long ago. It is a nice speaker.The Vandersteen is a whole different animal. In my opinion, Vandersteen's will smoke them.I own the Treo's with a pair of 2w subs and use an Atma-Sphere MA-1 and MP-3 with an Ayre Code... 
Anyone tried Vandersteen w/ Spectral?
@nkonor,That is a sad story.What did you end up doing?Bob 
Amp connecter to biwire
Why not get one pair of spade terminated cables and one pair or banana terminated?If you mean that you have 2 sets of banana terminated cables and want to use them 'as is', then you can either cut off the banana terminations of one set and use the... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
I finally found this thread again. Lots of great information- and presented in a friendly way.This is how audiophiles can learn.@OP  I think you really nailed the differences between the Ayre and D'Ag amps.Pat at SMc makes a similar case for the S... 
@bdunne I agree with cedargrove, moving up the line to a pair of a pair of Treo's or, better yet, a pair of Quatro's, would be the way to go.Regarding the move to 3a sig's, I would add another 2wq sub-which would get you into 90% of a pair of 3a s...