
Responses from gdnrbob

Vandersteen 2C contour controls +-
+1 for Tomcarr.The dials do not affect lower frequencies.As another poster mentioned, let the cables break in. You'd be surprised how much they might change.Bob 
Power Conditioner Advice please...
You might want to check out Core Power Technologies. They have some products that will clean up your power.They just made a big move to another location, but a call/email to Mark would be a great start. There is a long post on Agon:https://forum.a... 
Proac D48R
+2 congrats.I got to hear ProAc's at Audioconnection. I have to say they are a pair of speakers I would consider if I ever strayed from Vandersteen. Quads and Maggie's a close 2nd and 3rd.If I remember correctly, they were paired with Aesthetix am... 
Biwire Cables for Vandersteen 2CE Signatures
+1 for Johnny R. I got a set of Go-4's from him. (My puppy decided the DBS packs were a new chewy toy, so I had to send them back for repair. AQ repaired them for a reasonable price).My point is that Vandy and AQ are a great match and two companie... 
Mid grade Integrated amp choices
OP,If you do consider tubes, then an Atma-Sphere amp would be my choice. Though keep in mind tubes give off a lot of heat.I still recommend buying used and saving a ton of depreciation. I can't say I have ever had a problem that even a warranty wo... 
GoldenEar vs Dynaudio vs Nola vs ProAc vs Everything else.
+1 for Vandersteen, and getting subs if going below the Quatro's,ProAc's are nice, too, but they have a 'European' sound, so it would behoove you to listen to them first. (-though I think they are very good).This post will probably give you much m... 
How important is the rack you use for your components
+3 for newbee,I have my system in the LR/DR, so aesthetics and limited placement take precedent.My approach is to isolate my components as much as possible. Unfortunately, I am unable to house them in a rack, but I do use Stillpoints, Townshend po... 
Vandersteens, PSB or something else?
stringreenVandersteen Thank You!@stewart0722 Lookup posts here on Agon regarding Maggies and Vandy sub combos.And, yes, I have heard the combination. If I had to give up my Treo's, a pair of Maggies would be my first choice.B 
Vandersteens, PSB or something else?
+1 mr_m.In fact Vandy subs are considered an excellent pairing with Maggies.B 
What’s your favorite recording of Mahler’s 8th Symphony?
Great recommendation. +1I managed to find a copy of Mahler's 6th that I remembered from college.It was a live recording and for the entire performance, you didn't hear a single cough.Something you couldn't do hear in the US.B 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
@builder3, +1 
Nice MQA discussion
I wish I could get Qobuz. 
Adcom GFA-555 in Mexico on 127 volts?
The GFA 555 is built like a tank. Mr. Pass did one fine job. I still have mine from the 80's. (I really need to sell it).B 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
@p59teitel  +1. I think Johnny provides great information without trying to sell his products. A mark of great character.Bob 
DNA 2 lae
Call SMc Audio. Pat or Steve can give you all the info you need.Also, you can ship the DNA-2, but you need to double box it and properly pad it.Bob