
Responses from gdnrbob

Recommended sources for tubes
@OP,Sorry, if I seem to be ganging up on you. We old timers grew up when teachers could take a ruler to your knuckles.B 
Recommended sources for tubes
CAYIN AUDIO A-5oTNola Boxer speakersREL T5i subNo sources Punctuation seems to be lacking, as well.I must be getting old...B 
Spotify and incoming sampling rates........
One of the reasons for going with the Mini is that I am having issues with using Spotify and Deezer through the Bluesound App,Bluesound has been very helpful, but can't replicate the problem on their side, and Spotify runs as a separate app on Blu... 
Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?
Gentlemen and Ladies,It is this kind of banter that gets threads deleted.I know some posters can post something that gets your kickers in a twist, but, think before you post. Most times, just using a logical retort can put them in their place.We a... 
Spotify and incoming sampling rates........
If I read you correctly, you might want to look at a Bluesound Node.You can either use the inboard DAC or output to a DAC of your choice.I use the Node with an Ayre Codex, and have nothing to complain about.I am also in the process of getting Sam ... 
Aurender vs. Roon
@audiotroy Thanks, but no thanks. I wanted to offer the OP my opinion between the two manufacturers he asked about. But, now that you have injected a third company, I feel it only fair to point him to a fourth- Sam Laufer's Memory Player. Though n... 
Aurender vs. Roon
If I could afford it, I would get the Aurender over the Roon in a heartbeat.I demoed it a couple of weeks ago and was very impressed with the interface and ease of use.B 
Spotify and incoming sampling rates........
Weird. Is there a way you can reverse the DAC's and see if that is part of the cause?As a PC guy, I have no idea how Apple deals with sound, but it seems the Ipad and Iphone must have different outputs.B 
Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?
It was a weird thread.Both the OP and Mr. Alexander never revealed all the details of the order, and why it went the way it did.Anyhoo, I hope both parties have reached a mutually satisfactory agreement.B 
What are "true" balanced connectors
@luynes You don’t have a clue as to what the ’balanced’ spec is.  This is evident in your original post.I just pointed you to a person who has experience with Balanced Topology. That you find that unacceptable is your problem.And, if you wanted to... 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
@rvpiano, +1.B 
Audiogon’s transaction fees
Audiogon answered my queries within a day.At the bottom of this page is 'Contact Us'.Fill out the form and submit.B 
Preamp dillema for McCormack Ultra Platinum
@dyl71 ,I had many products modded by SMcAudio. All turned out to be improvements.I would call Steve or Pat, describe your system and they can do a custom upgrade based on what you want to spend.B 
Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?
My impression is that the mods remove threads when they become hostile or no longer remain on topic. Often times, they give a warning before deleting the discussion.I been on a number of deleted discussions, and they got removed due to the above r... 
What are "true" balanced connectors
@luynes You wanted the right answer and I told you.That Ralph is a designer and not an armchair EE, isn't the issue.Now you have conflicting answers, and not the definitive one,I guess you'll never know for sure. Good LuckB