
Responses from gdnrbob

Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
@ianrmack ,I believe mgrif stated it quite well.The Aurender/Codex combo bested the Node/Codex, as well as the Node/Node-no surprise.Just a deeper soundstage, more information, yada yada.Would the OP be happy with the Node onboard DAC- probably, y... 
Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!
Some good advice, so far.I, too, was overwhelmed with Streaming music, but a little research yields great results.First, I really like the Spotify app, but unfortunately, they don't offer higher resolution formats like Quobuz, Tidal, et al. So, mo... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Upscale streamers
I have heard the Node compared with the Aurender N100 through an Ayre Codex DAC.The Aurender combo was much, much better.I currently use the Node with a Codex, so things are going to change soon. I am just waiting for Aurender to get the ACS100 so... 
New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID
Is cptkaos an acronym for cupcakes? :-) At first, I thought it was a Core Power Technology reference, but now I think it is a reference to Butters' superhero on South Park.B 
New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID
@OP, Congrats on a great choice.B 
New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID
Audiodoctor compared to Johnny?Sorry, No comparison.Bob 
How to Connect Surge Protector and Power Conditioner
@OP, I think Tuberist is trying to give you some sound advice.I installed a surge protector at my Mains, and think it money well spent.Though it is sacrificial, I feel protecting all equipment downstream an important consideration.After that, impl... 
New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID
@jdal I need to go visit Bache Audio, too. Especially as I get my hair cut nearby.I went to the NY Audio show. The Bache were good.(The QLN was very impressive, but I think it was hindered by either the equipment( Vincent, I think) or interconnect... 
Fixing woofer, should I replicate actions on matching speaker woofer too?
Repairing rubber surrounds on older woofers is pretty common.Had I know years ago, I wouldn't have thrown out my old Tamanton's...In any case, I think replacing both surrounds makes sense, as they will degrade with time.As far as the interior wiri... 
New Speaker Conundrum - Vandy's, Spendors, Salk, Ascend - Mainstream or ID
Ribbon tweeters never worked for me.Since you like the Vandy's I would stay with them.The ProAc are very good, and if I were in a pinch, I would get them, but the Treo's with subs or the Quatro's are much better in my opinion.Bob 
30 Amplifiers Totaling $428,740.00 In Search of Audio Nirvana
Mmmm, Mbl. 😍Bob 
Recommended speaker for second system
Vandy VLR's. They should be placed near corners (like a bookshelf speaker) for bass reinforcement.I use them in my office with a pair of HSU subs and a pair of McCormack Micro amps and preamp. Even without subs, they go pretty low.PM me for detail... 
Which to Upgrade first? My Amplifier or Speakers
I find this one a 'toughie' as both components are top notch pieces of equipment.For me, if I love the Maggie sound (and I do), I would keep them.The Mac amp has plenty of power and perhaps another amp might yield a different sound, but I would su... 
Congratulations Atmasphere!
And, I hope it drives a 2 ohm load😝.B 
Congratulations Atmasphere!
I’ve been bugging Ralph for a release date on his new amps-Shouldn’t be long now...Bob