
Responses from g_m_c

What is a "transmission line" speaker?
go to the meadowlark.com site. there are explanations there, along with great speakers. 
Can I mod my Technics 1200?
Zaikesman, i like that phrase, oh lordy, lordy. 
Copper v. Silver
Micheal, are you talking about conductors and sound, or precious metals? 
How long....Silver....How Long?
You might want to make sure that the cables are oriented in the proper dircection.You should also give them a good week to settle in.Some silver can be a bit lean/harsh with a ss amp.good luck, I hope they settle down. 
How long....Silver....How Long?
Tell us about your system. 
Need Suggestions For Wall Mounted Speakers
look at meadowlark, the owls, i think 
Newbie Question: VTA and Rega P25/RB600
I believe the 10x4 dyno is pretty on for the rega, and you may not need to adjust vta for it. You should look into the specs on it as they compare to the rega cartridges. Better yet, contact a rega dealer, or the importer and ask.enjoy the vinyl! 
the Listening Room
I listen to music in a beautiful space, and my view is as important as my music. I sit in a glass and concrete study 3 floors up, in the trees, with a small grass court outside the space. I am looking at beautiful fall color right now, listening t... 
I'm taking votes
Should you consider investing into your listening room, or is it in tip-top shape as well? 
Whats the BEST audio site :
For equipmet, here, for music, www.stevehoffman.tv 
Bob Bundus was wrong.
Bob has 10k hearing, you have only 5-7k hearing. Alas, I am in the $75 range. 
Which amp to drive Totem Signiture ones?
Thanks J, in fact your earlier characterization of "thin" sounding is right on the mark. 
Seeing the light
Certain light waves, in particular UV, break plastic down. I wonder if this light source does slightly impact the molecular structure of the plasic. 
how can I find the polarity out from my XLR
Have you contacted the manufacturer? 9 out of 10 times, they mis-print the manual. 
How much fluid do you use
Now Lugnut, you are getting a bit out there, I am reminded of the Base Commander in the great Stanly Kubrick movie (Dr. Strangelove) that was fixated about not giving up his "precious bodily fluid".