
Responses from g_m_c

"head" amps??
dynavector has a well respected one, i think i saw it for sale here recently. 
NOS Tubes make a Huge difference
then there are cryo treated tubes......there is no end. 
Speaker priority: high or low???
I sit here playing lp's through my herron phono stage equiped with some new cryro tubes from Brendan at Tubeworld, in dis-belief. Paul is correct, it all matters. The problem is that you just need to sell your cars and kids to play this game. I am... 
The Absolute Sound delivery issues
Is Mattybumpkin getting Dale's issues of Absolute Sound? 
Phony buyers on Audiogon
You could state in your conditions that buyers must be A'gon members and even have a certain amount of pos feedback. while it may cull some out, if they really want it, it is up to them to convince you to sell it if they do not meet the conditions. 
plasma versus lcd
Here is a link to a discussion forum with more links to the issue. http://ths.gardenweb.com/forums/load/electronics/msg071342192681.htmlit may help, or confuse even more. BTW, I assue a difference between projection LCD and flat screen LCD. I assu... 
New TT for around 2000--- need some advice
If you liked your P25, you might look at a used P9. With the new 9's out there, there may be some used ones in the $1800 or less, range. What do you intend to spend on a cartridge? 
plasma versus lcd
I have been curious about this issue as well. My (very) preliminary reserach thus far indicateds that plasma may better color but potentialy shorter life, and that lcd has longer life but weaker color quality. The 32" may be the max on the lcd, wh... 
How much better are the Classic 45 rpm vs 33 LPs?
speaking of 45's check out this link to a Steve Hoffman forum, http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6276steve is cutting 25 classic jazz and blues lp's starting this winner. He is the best. 
Review: Aurios Media Isolation Bearings Pro
turntable question. I placed 3 1.2's under a 16" x 16" x 2" concrete patio paver, then the turntable on top of the concete. I works just great, and not to much movement. 
Review: Aurios Media Isolation Bearings Pro
turntable question. I placed 3 1.2's under a 16" x 16" x 2" concrete patio paver, then the turntable on top of the concete. I works just great, and not to much movement. 
Best Dual purpose HT and Music speakers 10k
Can you get used Meadowlark Nightingales for that cost? I, myself am waiting for their Kite speaker. 
Kapton for wire dielectric? ??
JPS Labs like it. They use it on their Kaptivator AC cord. I like them as well, they power my mono blocks. 
What is the next Phono Pre-Amp for me?
i have the herron, and had considered the groove. while i have not heard the groove, it's rep is very respectable. i have enjoyed the herron tremendously. it is in a tubed system, and seems to have great synergy with the rest of the stuff. the gro... 
El Dorado speaker cable
Interesting comment on the monofilament cable preference. The Valhalla interconnect is the monofilament, and the Valahalla speaker cable is a flat wire. SPM is all flat wire. Has Nordost ever produced monofilament speaker cable?