
Responses from g_m_c

Where will audio be in 10 years?
I think vinyl will continue to (re)grow.Just better analog playback.There are plenty of lp's out there, there are new ones every day, and they are retro and romantic.They still offer the best.Hell, most music is inherently analog. 
The Last Waltz : The Band
I think Robbie Robbertson helped re-master the latest Rhino digital and vinyl efforts. that could be good, or... I enjoy the new vinyl set myself. I forgot to check on the dvd if they edited out the white chunck of coke in Neil Young's nose. 
Help me find a Simple Hi End Turntable
I am with you on this one. I have a Rega P9/RB1000 with a Dynavector XX-2 cartridge. I find this combo musical and tolerant of surface noise. I did have to go through a careful setup, you should no matter what, even with a Rega cartidge. You need ... 
Cryo tubes...Are they worth it??
I had a set of Mullards, very nice, but the did not have the longevity they should have had. Could have been a coincidence, just don't know for sure. 
Soundstage and voices lean to the left side????
Have you tried a mono pressing? I often hear the singing voice from different locations in the soundstage (stereo of course), depending on the song. They are not always centered. The also shift in distance from front to rear of the soundstage. 
That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
Don't blame you Biz, the Evans is pretty amazing. One does not realize how critical the pre can be until you experience the dead quiet of a good box. Now, if I could only swing a Groove, or better yet, a Groove Plus. Keep working on it. 
That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
I'm there. You know when you are happy to listen to your favorite rock lp's at low volume. You get every every bit of the magic without cranking it. This flies in the face of 30 years of learned behavior. I attribute this mostly to my Meadowlark B... 
Why do my speakers "POP" when I turn off preamp?
I always take my volume down to zero when I finish a listening session, just to play it safe. 
Which LP pressing is best?
You can start at http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/Steve's forum has several lp freaks and often discuss pressings. Tom Port, one of the most knowledgable record people around hangs there sometimes, you can also check out his on-line lp store, Bet... 
Amps Power Conditioners and Lightning, what to do?
Newbee and others, be careful. Even if you trip the breaker at the panel, you are not protected from lightning. Spikes and strikes often travel through the ground wire. If you want to be sure, unplug all of those components. When I see a mean stor... 
Wilson / Meadowlark / Hyperion / Usher
I have had the Meadowlark Blue Herron 2's for 8 or so months now and am delighted. I cannot help you with any comparisons. I jumped from B&W's to the Blue's. 
Freezer Cryoed Cables...
I keep my dope in the freezer. It keeps it fresh. 
I've finally lost it
You think your cost per lp is high now, just wait until you cannot play the cd's anymore, when you only want to play lp's, they just sound too damn good. Throw the cost of all those cd's, and all that digital equipment into the cost of those first... 
Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?
leica m 
cart upgrade
you can consider the Dynavector XX-2 in that budget, and it is a fine one.