
Responses from g_m_c

Meadowlark Blue Heron 2 versus the rest
I have had a pair of Blue 2's for 3 months now. They have finally broken in, maybe after 600 or so hours. They make me smile and always distract me from multi-tasking. You find yourself putting down the paper, the book, or the laptop. The sound is... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Some of you may find this discussion by Pat McGinty of Meadowlark interesting.http://www.meadowlarkaudio.com/TC1.htm#top 
Best Floorstanding Speaker under $1000 USD
Check out the Meadowlarks 
Looking for a monitor that likes walls
the newer Meadowlarks are front ported, and wall freindly. 
Kora Eclipse preamp oddity
my eclipse does not do that. 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Van Goth would have simply cut off the imbalanced ear. 
Tube preamp for phono and headphone use.
the Kora Eclipse pre has both Mm and MC, and a nice headphone stage. You can find used one here for a pretty nice price. 
2 Channel System - Image behind my head
the album may have been mastered out of phase, not an uncommon occurance. 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
My "revealing" B&W speakers with tubes? What about the nordost cables? The system is pursuing a blunt and revealing sound (although the 805's are the weak point). For me, a revealing sound seeks to replicate the presence or life of live music.... 
Tube Equipment: Gimmick?
Are tubes are to hardware as vinyl is to source?I am sure the same engineer would trash analog.I am just an old fool, with my tubes and vinyl.A happy old fool. 
Has the B&W S805 actually changed from N805?
There are changes, although I am not up on all of them. I do believe the bass drive nose cone is solid metal in the Sig's. Possible wiring modifications as well. 
GAMUT: how to recognize MK3 from 2 and 1 ?
I think verson 1 may only have rca outputs, and not balanced. I could be completely off base though.... 
Why use a power receptacle at all?
How do you unplug it in a lightning storm?Even if you tripped the breaker, the ground would still be connected. The ground is the path for the lightning surge. 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
i politly disagree, i believe noise can eliminated. i rarely hear noise on lp's. many are used and i might hear a few pops or ticks on 1 out over every 5 or 6 lp's i play. the proper turnatable, arm and cartidge, and thorough set-up can get you th... 
Dust problems on high gloss surfaces
I just picked up a box of "Swiffer Dusters". It is that Swiffer cloths product shredded to form a duster of sorts. I use it to dust my tube amps (whenb they are turned off). Works great, sucks up the dust, does not scratch at all.