
Responses from g_m_c

all preamps gain and phase.
Does the phase switch allow you to reverse the phase of the signal? 
What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?
Wow, Psychicanimal had a direct drive turntable and a belt drive transport... Is this hobby fun or what? 
How Long do LP's last
Interesting thought...how long will digital formats last? 
What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?
Rushton, I am not sure I understand. Pop, static, and surface noise is not usually something that is transfered from the master tapes (unless very poor recordings). As you said yourself, such noise is typically associated with hardware issues such... 
What's wrong with classical music on vinyl?
This is illogical. You get surface noise on your classical lp/s, and not on your pop lp's? Is surface noise selective of it's music genre'? 
Need Phono Preamp for SF Line3SE & Herron VTSP
You might find a used Herron close to $1500. Look at Dynavector cartridges as well. 
Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll
I almost always pay the advertised price, if it is fair. In turn, I have sold about half of my sell items at my listed price, as I try and list a fair price. I like the idea of Agon members showing mutual respect and avoiding games. The community ... 
Meadowlark Nighthawk v. Blue Heron 2
Oh dear, I think I have just confused the Nighthawk with the Nightingale...My apology. 
Meadowlark Nighthawk v. Blue Heron 2
Very interesting question, perhaps a bit probing... do you think Pat may have come up with a better engineered speaker for almost 1/2 the doe? The Nighthawk had a powered bass element. I am willing to bet that a powered bass would now be against P... 
What makes a speaker perform well at low volume?
I was not able to "hear" everything at low volume until I replaced my pre-amp with a Tom Evans Vibe and Pulse. This suggests to me that every component may have something to do with this. Any weakness can possibly hamper the ability to play proper... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
The Gamut CD1. It gets very little use. 
aestetix rhea - the groove - sutherland fono stage
I recently found a Groove Plus here on Audiogon and, while still breaking it in, am completely amazed. I had the Herron tubed pre before. I know there has been some discussion about Tom Evans Audio Design and its health. I have had many emails fro... 
What should I use between spikes and wood floor?
Take a 4lb hand sledge and drive those spikes in. 
Non-magnetic Stainless Steel?
I am not up on the tecno data, but I thought all stainless steel is non-magnetic. 
Help Need input-Hydra vs New Speaker Cables
After speaker cables and interconnects, I would do dedicated power before the Hydra as well. That amount of cash will buy several dedicated lines. Then maybe some ac filtering.