
Responses from frankpiet

Kenwood L-02 tuner actually a unicorn
Herman, have you got some pics of the unit? would you like to sell it? 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
Quackfat I´ve already discussed with Alex in seperate mail where he states that my assumtions are correct as the unit I´ve listend to was from End 2004. Meanwhile he did several changes (you´ve mentionned some). Probably the latest model is better... 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
Quackfat: yes you´re right, I´ve compared the denon to the modded aa the modded wadia and the ux-1 not to the c-5xe. interestingly to your ears the inferior product (drive, casework, superclock, processor, damping, etc (denon). were superior to th... 
Belles 350a Reference, Classe 2200, Ayre V-5x,
I currently use an Ayre V-5xe - excellent unit (at least in my system). I miss a little bit speed, accuracy, stability and focus as well as body - thats the reason why I just bought a pair of JRDG 501 monos - MUCH better in every way (except that ... 
Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?
Interesting thread. Keis I didn´t know, that Boulder builds CDP´s ;)? Compared to the BAT and the Krell (which serious music lover listens with Krell??) the Boulder 1012 pre-amp with dac (you probably mean this unit) is in another stratosphere whe... 
Ayre C-5xe vs. Levinson 390S
hi. can only comment on the CX-7 and on the 390s. the CX-7 is very good for the money, the 390s is better but not as good as my Audio Aero Capitole MK II. 
Has anyone compared Ayre K-1x to Pass X-1
I would recommend Hovland HP 200 or CAT SL 1 Ultimate MK II or Nagra PL-P - all three are much more involving and offer an outstanding phono stage. 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
I add anotherone Hovland HP 200 
Best phono-pre for mc-systems below $ 1.500,00 ?
Hi. I just purchased a Omtec Antares. Forget about all EAR, Clearaudio, Pass, Whest etc. This one is MUCH better and very close to the hand full of realy outstanding products like FM Acoustics, Boulder, Walker or Manley. Every vinyl lover should a... 
Tally up best preamplifier ever
I´d like to add another top pre-power combo: Jeff Rowland 301 and Coherence II - stunning looks, build quality and sound especially when they drive Avalon Eidolon N Diamond.. Two other names: FM Acoustics and Goldmund.. 
Boulder amps v,s Levinson amps
Ask Hifi Knopf in Düsseldorf. He carries Boulder and a lot of other exotic stuff. To him Boulder produces by far the best amps money can buy. 
Tally up best preamplifier ever
Rmaidenberg: I´ve heard very good things about CJ ACT 2. I´ve an option on the forthcoming (release autum/winter 2005) fully balanced PL-P MK II (or however it will be called). I strongly believe this one will be very hard to beat. Can´t comment o... 
Tally up best preamplifier ever
Boulder 1012, Spectral DMC 30SL and Nagra PL-P 
Convergent audio + Walker Audio Omega Micro
Hi. You should contact their german distributor Mr. Bold in Berlin as he carries CAT as well as Omega Micro, Audio Aero and Ascendo (all great names in high-end audio). I know he uses Omega Micro speaker cable and interconnects with CAT as well as... 
Kenwood L-02 tuner actually a unicorn
Hi guys. On there was one sold for € 2.200,- this year. Dealer was Audio Reference, Steinstrasse in 40213 Düsseldorf. I saw the L-02T but because of money issues I kept my L-01T. L-02T for sure is one of the few state of the art tune...