
Responses from frankpiet

CAT SL-1 MK III vs. First Sound Presence DeLuxe
bombywalla: thanks for the very interesting links. I just wonder why some people tell me to stay away from the SL-1 MK III and go for a SL-1 Ultimate? Are the changes that dramatic? 
CAT SL-1 iterations
Sbank: many people told me to stay away from the SL-1 mk III as it is to them the sonical weakest iteration of the SL. Can´t prove it. 
Has anyone heard the Jeff Rowland Concerto Int
Compared to my previous Concentra II the Concerto is in every aspect a clear notch above except of the speaker terminals. Try to use a big, heavy power cord and massive speaker cables - you won´t succeed. But apart from that a very nice sounding u... 
Brandnew WADIA Decoding Computer
I´ve compared 861 to my former AA Capitole MK II and to my current DV-50 S - the Wadia is the only of the three which combines superb craftmanship, musicality and reliability. AND: the ARC is inferior in every aspect to the AA. Could Themadmilkman... 
Edge G 3 vs. JRDG Concerto integrated..
Bossjay: thanks for your comment. So you wouldn´t follow a dealers comment that the G 3 sounds like hifi and the Concerto like music? The comments were in detail: G 3 (cold, not natural, speed, transparency, detail, huge soundstage); Concerto: (mu... 
best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.
Hi. I´ve owned a modded AA Capitole MK II and found it very pleasing - only weakness: it did not play DVD/SACD otherwise I would have kept it. MY TIP: I just bought a DV-50 S to go the full Reference Audio Upgrade path. I´ve once listened to such ... 
Ayre C-5xe vs. BelCanto PL-1A vs DV-50S..
I´ve just bought a new DV-50 S after living quite comfortable with an Audio Aero Capitole MK II. Choosed the Esoteric for its great ability to be modifyed. I´ve once heard a heavily modified DV-50S in a friends system which easily blew away my AA ... 
Ayre C-5xe vs. BelCanto PL-1A vs DV-50S..
Thanks for your input. I currently lean towards the C-5xe or the Bel Canto as I´ve heard that the Bel Canto has better picture and is more refined than the DV-50 S. The only thing I don´t like with the Ayre: it lacks DVD capability.. 
Modded Players....
Yeah - I know. Best one ever.. but no longer produced. Barclay X-1 together with the big Boulder DAC - 10 times better than any EMM Labs etc. 
Review: Esoteric DV-50 with Superclock 3 mod CD Player
Tgun5: did you tweaked your DV 50 S any further? Have you ever had the chance to compare it to the APL modded Denon 3910/5910 or the Underwood Level 2 modded Denons? 
Ayre K-5xe Pre + Pass Labs X250.5 Good match?
No. Hovland uses 1 or two db steps. why don´t you go for a Jeff Rowland Synergy - 0,5 db steps? 
Aesthetix Calypso vs. Hovland HP 100
Could you tell me what are the pros and cons on both models (sonic wise)? 
Ayre K-5xe Pre + Pass Labs X250.5 Good match?
Hi. As far as I know both companies are often displayed together at shows. The German distributor normaly matches the Pass power amps with Hovland Pre´s (which are according to him better - as they are in my experience) and uses Ayre digitals as t... 
Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?
Audio Note Ongaku, followed by the Nagra and the Concerto integrated as well as Mac 2275. Comming soon Gryphon Diabolo. 
Ayre C-5xe vs. Levinson 390S
sirspeedy: you are totally right. there is a lot of good "vintage" stuff around nobody talks about. the 390s for sure belongs to this rare species whereas I must admit that a new 390s is not a good value, a used one will be very hard to beat - val...