
Responses from frankpiet

Wadia 302 vs. Ayre CX-7 e any comments ?
Hi and thanks for your comment. After the Ayre I had the Accuphase DP-67 in my system - quite a jump up the ladder. Now I´m extremely happy with my Audio Aero Capitole MK II with Jensen Paper Coil upgrade - a huge step above both and clearly bette... 
Best phono-pre for mc-systems below $ 1.500,00 ?
Has anyone of you experienced Clearaudio Basic Symmetry, Omtec Antares, Linn Linto or Lehman Black Cube SE - all four have got superb reviews in Germany? 
Anyone tried the new AA Capitole Reference ?
Globeaudiomkt: have you ever compared the new Capitole Reference to the MK II SE ? (p.s.: I´ve tried to contact you directly on that point but didn´t received an answer).Regards, Frankpiet 
best speakers for Ayre amps ?
Just got a brandnew Ayre V-5xe power amp - together with my Ayon Audio Seagull Ceramique it´s fantastic. Also a very good match are the Avalon Ascendant (which I recently borrowed from a friend). Important with Ayre - as I found out - is cabeling.... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
I´ll keep you informed when I´ll be able to listen to the new Nagra PL-P linestage in October. I´ll then compare her to my fully modified AA Cap. II with the optional line stage module (bettered the K-1X, the SL-1 and the HP-100 easily).In respect... 
Anyone tried the new AA Capitole Reference ?
Globeaudiomkt: as I have an already modified AA Cap. II (all paper/oil-film capacitors now) would it be usefull to fully upgrade it to your standard to even achieve more resolution and stability ? I also use the AA as a line stage as I have got th... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Hello Folks: thank´s for your very kind input so far. My quest is over! Today my Audio Aero dealer returned my cdp "a little bit modified" ;) Furthermore he installed the optional line-stage module. I must say: the mods take this already excellent... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
No, the 1 Ohm was the latest pre-amp design of Cello. Which ancessor did you choose for your Cello Audio Suite ? 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Has anyone ever experienced the CELLO 1 Ohm pre amp ? 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Artg: the only real contender is the new Brinkmann Marconi -but it´s unfortunately a line stage only. Audible superior to the Nagra/ Brinkmann is the Boulder 1010 - but at an out-of-range price-point - at least in Germany. Next week I´ll be able t... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Agoner´s - thanks for your comments so far. The remaining candidates on my list are Nagra PL-P and Aesthetix Janus. The latter one I haven´t heard todate but I´ll be able to do so next week. Since a few days I´ve a Nagra PL-P and a CAT SL-1 Ultima... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Artg / Jafox: I´ve auditionned last night Nagra PL-P vs. CAT SL-1 Ultimate MK II. Here are my findings: Nagra beats the CAT hands down is respect of: neutrality, imaging, focus, speed, articulation and depth of soundstage as well as air around ins... 
Anyone tried the new AA Capitole Reference ?
It differs sonically a bit from the AA MK II. The new one is better with imaging and a bit more stable but lacks the total musicality of the AA MK II. 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Dgad, I´m looking for a pre-amp with onboard phono option as I use a vinyl set-up. But probably I´ll go for the AA with the optional line stage and add a phono pre of the likes of a Clearaudio Basic-Symmetry.The one thing I don´t like with the AA ... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
yes you´re right. But actually my budget for the unit is US $ 8.000,00. The rest is for cables and tweaks. Taking this into account my preference is Nagra although I´m keen to listen to Aesthetix Janus and Cat SL-1 Ultimate.