
Responses from frankpiet

Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Dgad, thanks. Your comments are very helpful. So on my list remains a comparison: AA with board vs. AA without - all going directly into my power amp. AA with board vs. CAT SL-1 Ultimate; SL-1 Ultimate vs. Nagra (I believe very hard to beat) and b... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Yes thats true Stew3859. One of the best ever - but I´m looking for a unit with onboard phono. 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Thanks for the very interesting hint. I did some listening to Hovland HP-100; Nagra PL-P and Brinkmann Marconi on saturday. I must admit: the Hovland was the "worst" although in my system a better performer than the Ayre K-1X. Brinkmann builds a g... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Dgad, thanks a lot for your very helpfull reply. Yesterday I´ve auditionned a Hovland HP-100 in my system and it did raise the soundquality of my AA (without the optional line-stage module) to a complete new level - which surprised me a lot as I a... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Hello to everybody. I´ll go for a tube pre-amp. After excessive listening sessions at several dealers I must admit, that even the Ayre pre can´t compete with the Hovland HP-100. So My short list is down to: Hovland HP-100; CAT SL-1 Ultimate; Aesth... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Jprice. I know the Spectral gear quite well. Very good sounding amps and digital equippment - BUT system synergy still is an issue. Regarding Spectral I personnaly would be very happy with DMC 15SL + DMA 150 S II. Krell sound is to boomy and to ar... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Teajay. I haven´t had the Placette at home in my system. A friend had it but it was not connected as we were listening to an Audio Note M 3 - superb performer.. As I´m not a technichian I´m not really interested on the platine layout (then I would... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Teja. The answer is quite simple. First: as the system is standing in our living room my wife would be quite dissapointed if it wouldn´t fit. Second: I always try to get the best mixture (build quality, reliability, design, flexibility and sound).... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
Whats about the Lamm LL2 Deluxe? 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Guys thanks for the very nice and helpfull comments so far. I recently had three pre´s in my system: Jeff Rowland Concerto; Ayre K-1X Evo. and Chapter Audio Preface - the Chapter was by far the best of these three solid state pre´s although he has... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Teajay: thanks a lot. I´ve just send an email to them - and got already a reply - very nice. Will follow up on that. 1markr: I´ve just spoken to the german distributor of AA. He told me, that the optional line-stage module in the AA offers the max... 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
Oh the Coherence II is one of the greatest sounding pre amps of all time with unsurpassed built quality. A friend of mine who was a dealer until a few years ago has got a full Rolwand set up - very very nice system indeed.The only thing is - I don... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Thanks a lot so far for your very kind thoughts. I´ll start to audition by the end of next week several pre´s in my system - strangely some dealers strongly recommend to add the optional line-stage module to the Audio Aero Capitole cdp. as it is s... 
Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??
Teajay: could you pass on the internet domain of Placette?To which other units did you compare the Placette? 
Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?
BRIAN, how would you describe the differences between Hovland and CAT ? Wc65mustang: would you say that the Grange is in the same league as the Hovland, the Ayre, the Aesthetix or the CAT ?Is there a big difference between the Supratek Cortese and...