
Responses from frankpiet

Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe
Partially by myself and partially by a local dealer. 
Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe
I´ve had the Calypso on loan for a week. The Calypso came a) with stock tubes and b) with some very high quality Telefunken and Roederstein tubes with Herbie tube dampers. All contacts have been treated with Walker E-SST.The mods in the K-5xe were... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs. Ayre K-5xe
Just bought the K-5xe invested a few hundred bucks in mods and can now say: no Aesthetix or any other product in the US $ 5.000,00 - 6.000,00 range comes close to this unit. VERY close to the K-1xe.Nevertheless thanks a lot for your very kind supp... 
Ayre K-5xe / tube preamp s comparisons?
Hi. I´ve had on trial the Calypso + V-5xe combo. No hum problems at all. Nevertheless I moved for the matching K-5xe (reasons why are explained by me on audioasylum). Tip: a few hundred $$in mods make the K-5xe a giant killer - much better than Ca... 
Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata
Tvad: if you order EG with Schucko plugs the cord is grounded. With Nagra gear I found PAD better than EG.Nagra gear sounds thin with EG and very nice with Nagra gear. On the opposite: Audio Aero, Ayre, Aesthetix, Reimyo and Wadia sound much nicer... 
Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata
Leonx: which EG pc do you mean? I use three EG Epiphany in my system and find their performance absolutely amazing. Compared to the EG the Nordost misses body, texture, musicality and transparency. Furthermore I found out that Nordost pc´s do not ... 
Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?
Larryi: a friend of mine owns a Boulder 2008, 2010, 2020, 2050 set-up connected with TaraLabs Zero and Omega cords to a pair of Acapella Sphäron Excalibur speakers, cd-drive is Barclay X-1, turntable is Micro Seiki SX 8000 MK II - never ever heard... 
Can the RA Opus 21 rock better than a Wadia?
Have experience with both and some other units:I´d clearly go for the Wadia for several reasons:- great design and superb build quality- extremely reliable- very convenient remote and digital pre-amp- much higher resolution, slam and musicality- e... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
I´d like to add another one Barclay X-1 
Jena Labs interconnects - how good are these?
Cincy bob: Is it true that Jena Labs interconnects only perform at their best when paired with Jena speaker cables ? 
Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?
Larryi, yes you are right. The next upgrade will be either a bigger Ayre pre-amp (hopefully Charles will design a more appealing (to the eye) successor to his sonically very good but designwise very poor K-1xe or I will upgrade to the forthcoming ... 
Jena Labs interconnects - how good are these?
Which of the two had more transparency, speed, detail and punch ? 
Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?
Charles gave me the tip to reduce internal vibration of the V-5xe cooling device to tape it with a clear cellofane. 
Any Boulder pre/power amp users here?
Rick. Looking foreward to your forthcoming 865 integrated and hopefully a matching series 800 CD/DVD-player. 
Best interconnects for AYRE gear ?
I went for a pair of Shunyata Altair Helix (between V-5xe and K-5xe) and for a pair TaraLabs ISM 0,8 Onboard between DV-50 S and K-5xe. Found Nordost to thin sounding with Ayre and PAD to coloured. Cardas Golden Ref. lacked detail, speed, slam and...