

Responses from folkfreak

What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
@mb1audio02 -- unfortunately you’re plain wrong when it comes to measuring azimuth using a test tone and whatever instruments you choose. As Joel notes in the piece I linked to crosstalk is not consistent with frequency and unless you have the tim... 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
While a fozgometer can get you in the ball park you still benefit from fine tuning by ear - the method I prefer and the rationale for it is detailed here http://www.durand-tonearms.com/Support/Support/azimuth.html  
The Palladian-A step beyond
@ct0517 regarding the shim. This is required simply because of the way my arm had to be installed. No fault in the cartridge whatsoever. It's simply that because my turntable was not designed for 10.5" arms there had to be some compromises in the ... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
To those expressing concern about Dietrich I can only relay my own experience. I purchased a UNI Protractor via AudioGon maybe 6 years ago, sure it took some time to ship but not surprising for a custom product. Since then Dietrich has replied ver... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
As previously noted I ordered a Palladian a few weeks back based on the experiences @halcro  and others posted. It was hand delivered by Norm from Rutherford Audio last night and I installed it this morning. Installation is very easy given the ver... 
Appalachian Spring
You could try Reference Recordings RR2, great sound quality but some find the performance a tad slow. In any case it's an excellent recording stereophile review here 
The Palladian-A step beyond
markmendenhallIn USA $10,445 and distributed by Rutherford AudioIn Europe EUR 8,899 and available from dealers such as Bel HiFi (you'll need to Google it as AGon will not let me post a link, sorry)Hope this helps 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Erik -- from your lack of critique of my third link (the discussion of jitter) do you thereby accept that this is a meaningful, and meaningfully measured, effect? Agear -- If so perhaps this is enough to put your original question to rest, to whit... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Erik -- I have nothing to add to your comments, best take them up with Shunyata directly. My point was mainly to surface some instances of data on even the most "implausible" of vibration related effects (e.g. on cables and on electronics) and poi... 
Speaker Isolation -- Experience with Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
shaizada -- thanks so much for your update, great to hear about your positive experiences with the Townshend productsAlso congrats on the DiscMaster! Mine is currently sporting a Durand Kairos/AirTight PC-1 in the first position and a Wand+/Miyaji... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Nope. There is no evidence for any of this stuff and thus the point of the thread. There are apparently "engineers" involved with some of these products but no data whatsoever, just pseudoscientific intuitive and fights of fancy (and youtube video... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Huh? As Townshend points out on his web site, and as I’ve pointed out as well, isolating the speakers has two advantages:(1) it prevents low frequency vibration from getting up into the speakers and affecting wiring and electronics, RCA connectors... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
sampsa55I never understood why someone might prefer a "revealing" component? Is the objective to find flaws in recordings & other gear or to enjoy music?My experience with improving the resolution/transparency of my setup has been that far fro... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Further to the speaker room interface I wonder if my room, being an Art Noxon design intended to be sound isolating (i.e with bass traps and damping built into the walls) may be less conducive to a SS type "grounding" arrangement in so far as the ... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Hmmm, there seems to be a lot of interest in this comparison and some speculation as to what the results might be. Personally I'm not in any rush to attempt this as the thought of trying to get 250lb of Magico Q3 up onto the Sistrum spikes scares ...