

Responses from folkfreak

The Palladian-A step beyond
@halcro "how is the bass". I've not found it to change much over time but it has consistently been very well integrated and as deep as the content on the recording. The PC1 has a lower mid bass bump that gives the impression of more bass but in re... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
If you want to really get into dark music then you need to listen to nothing but traditional folk songs from the British isles -- it’s not a real song unless you have at least one murder, a suicide and a haunting!Anyway back to the topic of this t... 
Shunyata or Synergistic for power conditioning?
Thanks but Gospel may be taking it a bit too far 😇Seriously hamburger as it seems you are new to the power conditioning business I’d buy second hand to start with, learn what works for you and then trade up from there. There’s next to no risk of g... 
Shunyata or Synergistic for power conditioning?
Regarding the Dmitri -- it’s a good conditioner, I used to own one, but not in the same league as current models such as the 12UEF and the Denali. Also in my experience the Dmitri will not sound good with power amps if that is where you want to us... 
Shunyata or Synergistic for power conditioning?
Sorry I cannot comment on the comparison but I own the 12UEF and could not be more pleased. However the Denali is also a very well reviewed unit and one I would be happy to own. Based solely on ease of use and my beliefs on synergy my advice would... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Do some of your own research @agear Nelson Pass on amp design and harmonicshttps://passlabs.com/press/audio-distortion-and-feedback   
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
@agear regarding the 7th harmonic. Two minutes on google will turn up ample references from piano tuning, design of wind instruments and so on. Here’s a basic one to get you startedhttp://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Music/harmon.html#c1  
Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers
@maplegrovemusic -- seems a few of us reported this as spam, looks like all of his advertising postings have been removed and hopefully @bglenn2012 has learned his lesson 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
@lewm no one is suggesting that the cantilever is off, the issue is with the stylus. Here's a clear explanation of the difference from Mikey (paragraph 8)http://www.analogplanet.com/content/crazy-little-thing-called-azimuth-part-1#x6kLUutKlRvolsZM... 
Insuring audio equipment
For inventorying and valuing your LPs I strongly recommend using the Discogs app -- it actually makes the process rather fun and also draws you into the broader Discogs community. Better for rock than classical but excels at parsing the difference... 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
lewm -- turns out I’m lousy at estimating angles in my head, taking a quick measurement (using my iphone level app) it’s clear that the tilt I was seeing on my headshell is more of 2-3 degrees at most -- odd how small deviations from horizontal se... 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
@stringreen -- not sure why the method for making the azimuth adjustment (ear of meter) makes any difference to how fiddly it is to do. Even with a fozgometer you're going to need to make azimuth changes and also go above and below the "correct" s... 
Insuring audio equipment
A few notes and recommendations from my experienceFirstly, as noted LPs and other media are not usually covered under most household policies -- a specialist such as Collectibles Insurance can cover them very reasonably and is well worth consideri... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Mr Winer -- if you had taken the time to read the full thread you would have seen discussion of test data showing the effects of vibration on jitter in CD playback. While we can have a discussion as to whether this is audible it seems there is no ... 
Environmental Potentials whole house surge protection, can I get your opinions?
I have one (the EP-2050), of course I cannot vouch for whether it works as it's not been tested yet! It seems reasonably priced (in the context of these things) and harmless as to your power quality (I have it upstream of a Torus on wall condition...