

Responses from folkfreak

Equipment Rack
agear - you observeSince no one in the Audiogon ecosystem appears to be using your productsFact is Geoff is not the only proponent of spring based isolation from subsonic vibration and I along with many well regarded reviewers and experts are gett... 
Audio Research Reference 6 Preamp Review
In ascending orderRef 6 $14K40th Anniversary $25K (in 2010)Ref 10 $30KBoth the Ref 6 and 10 are current models, the 40th (which I own) was a limited edition 
Kind of Wow and Flutter.
Sounds like an off center pressing. Does the arm move around when playing? 
Durand record weight ha ha ha ha - and other crazy thing
This debate (like most others of its ilk) is conflating three very different topics. The first and least relevant topic is price, hence all the discussion of gold plated cars and diamond studded dog collars. The second is performance which for mos... 
Durand record weight ha ha ha ha - and other crazy thing
Lohanimal -- being British (like me but I now live in the USA) you really need to save up for the Dalby Audio Design D7 Vinyl Stabilizer at a much more reasonable $6840 direct to you from West Yorkshire (once you get to the top of the waiting list... 
Wilson Maxx II problem
$1K for a woofer replacement on a $45K list speaker seems like a bargain to me. Doing anything other than a factory authorized change on a speaker of this calibre will destroy any resale value. When I blew a woofer on my Magico V3s (result of a gr... 
Lyra Atlas experiences
o_holter -- regarding setting azimuth be aware that ensuring that the cartridge is level may have no bearing whatsoever on whether the azimuth is correct. What matters is the orientation of the stylus and many styli are far from accurately attache... 
Durand record weight ha ha ha ha - and other crazy thing
Have you heard the Durand weight? Have you made comparisons with other comparable weights in your system? Some if us have and concluded it is worth the costMy experience is recorded here https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/on-eliminating-euphon... 
VPI 3D printed arm mod.
Seems like a simple but sensible adjustment but crude in comparison to the same type of solution offered on the Durand arms where the second pivot is a rod moving on a trace with the contact adjustable by movement of a weight on the rod. The desig... 
power conditioning question gentlemen
OK so you have an off grid battery source which is great, issues with the generator are probably best dealt with by simply turning off or disconnecting the generator when using the hi fi for critical listening. Your main issue seems to be making s... 
power conditioning question gentlemen
If the issue is the effect of the generator have you considered a battery solution to store power from the solar array? The Tesla product is an obvious option. Battery based power supplies are a big trend in audio with products such as the Stromta... 
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
List for a 1m RCA is $2000 (prices per the cable company). If you have the UEF bullets (silver and grey with grooves) figure 35-40% of retail so $700-800. If with the older bullets (silver, grey and black and no grooves) then 25-30% or $500-600. M... 
Synergistic Research Tungsten IC... any experience
joey -- congratulations on getting this nice interconnect. There's a lot you can do to tweak the performance of this model actually. Firstly if you have an older model you have the original tuning bullets (which are smooth all round and do not hav... 
Options to inspect a cartridge from below - mirrored loope, endoscope?
Good luck Tom, it does sound like you have some room to work. If you search my use name (FolkFreak) on Vinyl Asylum you can find my documentatiom and experience with using a USB scope to set VTA if that helps (sorry it seems AudioGon won't allow c... 
Options to inspect a cartridge from below - mirrored loope, endoscope?
I would like to order a device to look at the underside of my cartridge without pulling the cartridge off my tone armUnfortunately the problem you are likely to have with any USB microscope is getting enough room to mount the scope under your tone...