

Responses from folkfreak

USB "A" and "B" to RCA adapter
Audiodharma make a suitable set of adaptors (RCA to USB) for use with their cable cooker, and while you’re at it might as welll buy the cooker as well, it is well worth the $http://www.audioexcellenceaz.com/products/audiodharma-cable-cooker-cable-... 
Seeking advice/tips on improving sound quality
Try Pure Music on your Mac, worlds better than the in built iTunes decoders and free to trialhttp://www.channld.com/puremusic/  
Valuing a collection of music (LPs and CDs)
If you enter them all in Discogs it will calculate the value. The Discogs app makes entering your collection a pleasure with features like barcode scanning. Discogs is better for popular music than classical but has very accurate and current valua... 
Transparent Refererce 75 ohm digital cable
@chrisr well may you sneer but it's amazing how fussy the clock is, changing the power cord, adding the right footers and even a shakti stone on top all help improve things. Not that susprising if you consider that everything in the system derives... 
Transparent Refererce 75 ohm digital cable
Unfortunately I cannot personally speak to the Reference line but I will say that the Reference XL is first rate and provided a good step up in performance when I upgraded the three clocks in my DCS stack from the AQ Eagle Eye I was using before. ... 
Lyra Delos with a spacer?
Generally it's best to avoid spacers if you can as they both add mass and also may disturb the fit with the headshell. I'd only use one if needed to ensure optimal SRA if the arm post is high relative to the headshell. Certainly adding one simply ... 
Looking For Info On Optimus 1100 Speakers
I gave a link in my post to the specs and user guide. They seem like a generic three way box 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
It continues to astound me how naive the economic logic is in this discussion. Since when does cost of goods have any real bearing on what the price of a cable is? Any rational cable manufacturer would seek to price the cable to value derived and ... 
Din to RCA tonearm cable - which one?
I used to own the Leopard. It's a very nice cable and made a substantial upgrade on the VanDenHul that I previously used on my SME IV. Currently I'm back in the AQ line with the WEL signature which is a wonderful cable 
How often is your system "good"?
I guess I'd ask the question another way "how often is your system 'off' "My answer to that is more often than I'd like, maybe 10% of the time, but the reason for being off is usually that something has been upset in the setup -- more often than n... 
Looking For Info On Optimus 1100 Speakers
The pick of the Radio Shack Optimus range back in the day (mid 90s) was the Pro LX5 which used the Linaeum ribbon tweeter and was less than $200 the pair -- my first system in the US while I was at grad school was based around this -- a super spea... 
Boulder monoblock 2150
For an interesting side view on the nouveau riche and their taste in audio I recommend reading "The Invisibility Cloak" by Ge Fei.  This is the story of a hi fi manufacturer/dealer in contemporary China. It's a quick read and the audio references ... 
Dang my luck
@last_lemming if you are referring to two degrees off on azimuth that's at the bounds of acceptable (see here) and may warrant returning  
Dang my luck
In my experience (including with much more expensive carts) this looks well within tolerances. Align to the cantilever and stylus (not the cartridge body) and you should have no issuesbut if it bothers you and you can do s then return it 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Seems some doctors at least least are convinced of the merit of upgrading the power cords to their medical equipment 😏http://www.shunyata.com/index.php/news/331-noise-reduction-in-medical-procedures