

Responses from folkfreak

Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
@mains -- the paragraphs and punctation really help! The last post is so much easier to read, thanks for doing that -- you'll also get better responses so keep it up 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
@toddverrone the classic mass on spring approaches (or active variants on same) are totally applicable to audio. Every component in your system down to the cables reacts to vibration and finding ways to reduce these vibrations will reduce the nois... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
@toddverrone. You ask about what to expect from spring isolating your speakers if on a concrete slab? This is exactly the situation I am in, albeit the ground here in NW Portland is quite soft and transmits seismic vibration all too well. Isolatin... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
@toddverrone how unstable? It depends what your speakers weigh. Mine weigh nearly 300lb so it's going to take some force to move them even though they freely wobble a couple of cm from side to side on the spring base. Actually as they're no longer... 
My Audio Research experience
A blown tube taking out on of its resistors is not uncommon. For many years I owned a pair of AirTight ATM-2s setup for mono. These drive the tubes really hard and would blow all the time (usually when I wanted to show the system off 😏) taking out... 
Has anyone had experiences good or bad with speaker isolation or isolation in general ?
@mains before laying out for the seismic platforms you owe it to yourself to investigate a superior solution, an active isolation base such as those from Herzan. Obviously rather expensive but if you are really committed to addressing low frequenc... 
Taralabs cables
@sts -- this is information from 2004, how exactly is that relevant to now 13 years later? And to your question unless you have a break down of "cables, price lists, stickers, documents, and computers" the statistic you ask us to compute is meanin... 
Tile floor! Help!
I'd start with what @gs5556 suggests especially as you want to deal with the floor reflections as well (you also need rugs between the speakers and your listening position)However in addition you can also try decoupling the speakers from your floo... 
Synergistic Research Galileo LE vs CTS
Quick vote of confidence in the WEL/LE combo you are proposing. I find it works very well for me -- and as I have a 12M length of WEL running between my preamp and power amps it's hard to financially countenance changing it out 😏I am toying with e... 
Tune of the Day
@reubent Joni Mitchell, track two side two on Blue 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
I really hope that you can refute my finding ... then I can sell my Triplanar  without any guiltsurely you want your findings to be confirmed? Otherwise it is clear your particular Triplanar is defective and hence unsaleable?FWIW I was a long time... 
Synergistic Research Galileo LE vs CTS
As the Galileo LE ships with a choice of UEF tuning bullets you can tailor the sound as needed. Two greys will sound "dark" but a mix of one grey and one silver or two silvers will be much more open.  I started with the grey/silver and moved on to... 
turntable/cartridge for old 50's 60's rock records.
My (really quite serious) suggestion is whatever turntable and cartridge you have now with a Herzan active isolation platform under it (which should take care of your $10k)installing a TS-150 underneath my EAR radically improved the solidity, pace... 
Audioquest WEL vs Wild Blue
I currently run WEL for all of my main leads including a balanced 12M length of interconnect from Pre-Amp to Power Amps. I had previously also owned a similar length of WBY, there isn't really a comparison. The WEL has more heft and depth that the... 
Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Platforms
Re the suggestion to try an active isolation system I can certainly attest to the effectiveness of one having just installed a Herzan TS-150 under my turntable. Unfortunately they do cost at $10k for this the smallest model. They also need a stabl...