

Responses from folkfreak

Diana Krall - New Vinyl - Good sound - Poor Vinyl
Anyway I feel it should have been on 2 discs instead of just one for the best possibly qualityI’m confused -- assuming we are talking about "Turn up the quiet", her current release? My copy is on two discs (3 sides, side D is blank) and 17’ or so ... 
Benz Refs stripped screw hole
I would have said use a smaller bolt and a separate nut but having seen the shape of the reference body it looks like there's no way of fixing a nut. Perhaps you could try using the next size up bolt and cutting a new thread? Of course this may de... 
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
@goofyfoot there are nice cheaper wool rugs available. Something like this is a good price and fits with my decor but there are others you can find on eBAy (which btw is quite a good place to get rugs from!)https://www.ebay.com/itm/351167348799  
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
@goofyfoot to your original question you should have no problem with hardwood floors as long as you treat them with rugs as others have suggested. Make sure to use a natural wool rug, probably not too thick. Synthetic rugs sound terrible - I thoug... 
Can I Live With A Hardwood Floor?
@tablejockey i think you have your threads twisted. The HFTs are resonators hence ideally suited for the situation @lwin describesthere is an extensive discussion of the use of these types of kit herehttps://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/placemen... 
While I commiserate with your experience I'm not sure you should write off a whole country. Asking for a mis-declaration of shipping value and/or shipping to a US third party are par for the course in many overseas transactionsRather than blocking... 
Best one step liquid record cleaner.???
I've recently switched to L'Art Du Son and am very pleased. It wets really well and gives an excellent outcome. Somewhat finicky as regards to storage however and you have to dilute it yourself 
Furutech AC Receptacles
@wylmars Firstly I trust by now you've learned to tale any advice you get on the internet with a pinch of salt 😏 and as @cleeds suggests you should try it for yourself, both into the P10 and into the wall.My cavil with PS Audio regenerators is tha... 
Furutech AC Receptacles
Many find that power amps sound best plugged directly into the wall. In particular a regenerator such as your PS Audio is a pretty wasteful way to power a class A amp and may restrict dynamics. Personally i I get good results with the Synergistic ... 
Furutech AC Receptacles
Don’t worry. I and probably most other ARC owner on this forum have been using after market power cables for years and have no issues with warranty work. In fact most dealers demo these amps with after market cables. The dealer I bought from, Opti... 
Furutech AC Receptacles
@wylmars but surely you read the next page of the manual that states there's no problem using alternative power cordsto quote p7Caution should be taken before using custom after- market power cords: they must be at least 12-gauge and have a standa... 
Tracks worth for a 1 Million system
@powermd not sure if you have had any recommendations yet but here are a few from my collection that should fit your needsany of the Paul Galbraith Bach recordings, for example the Lute Suites on Delos. This should give you a nice sense of his sty... 
Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs
Ok so if I’m so gullible and stupid how come just this morning I experimented with swapping out the power cords to my FEQs. My hypothesis was that plugging them into the SR PowerCell would sound better. If I’m a believer isn’t that what I should t... 
Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs
Thanks for the links. It seems more like a teamplay (the inventor and reviewers). BTW what's with Audio Magic room correction bells??? This snake oil industry is amazing... only the sky is the limit.If it's a team I suppose I (and all the other sa... 
Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs
@jkbtn Ted keeps the precise mechanism of the FEQ close to his chest but there's a discussion of the impact these systems have, and also how well they work with other tech in these two reviewshttp://www.soundstageultra.com/index.php/equipment-menu...