

Responses from folkfreak

Mint lp best tractor for VPI Classic
To quote @wlutke "I then dial in azimuth by ear". Even after using a fozgometer final adjustment should be done by ear using a method such as thisps Joel also notes the limits in setting azimuth via a meter given that approach only optimizes for o... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
@fazee his contact is debragrace@aol.comnot it sure what he can do with your Galileo cell but good luck 
John Atkinson's thoughts on the New Vandersteen System Nine from LA Show
@jwm  JV is known for this in Absolute Sound. Every review the product brings out things he's never heard beforeNot sure what i see as the problem here. I always thought the essence of this hi-fi pursuit was to hear more of what the original artis... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
FWIW my experience is that the vibration control effect is more important than the dielectric. I recently upgraded from Shunyata Dark Field Elevators V1 to V2. The latter have an elastic suspension. On my long (10 meter) interconnects the impact o... 
What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?
Review of Nordost Valhalla USB here, which is a rave ($3499)Synergistc Research Galileo UEF USB also worth considering ($2995)http://www.synergisticresearch.com/cables/galileo/galileodigital/digital/I dont current use this cable in my system but h... 
Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
Re @randy-11 and @geoffkait I've found good results from seriously addressing RF pickup in my digital chain by capping all the unused inputs. There are a boatload of BNC connections on a DCS stack so this ends up being expensive but the cumulative... 
Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
Sorry Randy maybe I missed it - my EE degree was thirty years ago 😕 why would opening the door help? 
Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
@geoffkait I'll accept that the door is magnetizable so that's a plausible factor ... anyway love to hear what experience others have one way or another 
Easy free tweak -- dealing with RFI/EMI -- try it and see?
I think you are missing the point @randy-11 While an enclosure may form a Faraday cage the EMI/RFI is enclosed and reflected back into the power lines and down into the rest of your system which is the problem so what we actually want is to let it... 
Is buying from the Ciamara.com safe
I can vouch for Ciamara. I've bought several components including my supertweeters from them. They offer fair prices and 5% in credits that you can use against future purchases. You should have no qualms 
Avalon Acoustics Ascent MKii value?
Try HiFiShark https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=Avalon+ascent 
Speaker Isolation -- Experience with Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
@rcprince re tweeter height you make a fair point but as the Townshend podiums are designed to be used without any other sort of spike or footer (i.e. You have the bottom of the speaker flat on the podium base) the added height is offset by the el... 
Speaker Isolation -- Experience with Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
@agriculturist I still use the Townsend podiums under my speakers. I would imagine placing a speaker on a Herzan platform would actually cause some major problems as the output of the speaker transmitted into the platform would then be attempted t... 
List of most important
@akg_ca I must admit I've had exactly the opposite experience to you at shows. In my experience the systems that often sound best at shows are those that have taken the room into consideration - often the most modest systems using cheaper componen... 
Antelope 10MX Rubidium Atomic Clock vs S.S 10M Rubidium Audio Clock
@cycles2 your Rossini needs inputs of 44.1kHz and 48kHz or multiples thereof. The 10MHz output would be used as a reference in on your Rossini clock if needed (frankly it's not)btw anyone using an external clock also needs to invest in the best BN...