
Responses from fleschler

Interconnects and non-believers
No, I said that the Mastersound sounded great but was very expensive.  In that case, this cable maybe worth the money.  I am considering purchasing von Schweikert VR55-Aktives, or Einsteins or the Lumenlight White Light, all about the same price. ... 
Beware the audio guru
I am not an audio guru.  Even my engineer friend is not a guru, although usually correct, he is constantly learning new technology to apply to his products.  I don't think anyone is an audio guru I can trust 100%.  Plus, the guru's hearing maybe d... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Yes, the speaker forum is much more interesting as it has posters like you who report on their direct use of the speakers, even in head to head comparisons.However, cables have a great effect on audio reproduction systems, whether expensive or ine... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Jetter-to answer why Wolf is a troll, he has personally attacked me in this forum, denigrating my name, my heritage and I think my religion.  He insults people and behaves boorishly.  Besides that, his last comment on the medical danger of graphen... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I think Wolf left the forum for a while when other slanderous trolls inhabited it earlier this year.  Now he's back and their gone (or just gleefully enjoying him).  Who would want to know a person with his attitude?  Only others like him might to... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
What surprised me was a facebook video of the use of a graphene web filter system for water purification.  It is being tested for use in impoverished areas whereby filtering seawater is instantly made into fresh, potable water without using a pres... 
Interconnects and non-believers
I just posted this over at the whose an expert/guru forum:I say that prof is a noru (not a guru) and of no interest to me. He doesn't elicit any information I can use to analyze anything. Just a lot of wind. I'll stick to reading teo for inform... 
Beware the audio guru
I say that prof is a noru (not a guru) and of no interest to me.  He doesn't elicit any information I can use to analyze anything.  Just a lot of wind.  I'll stick to reading teo for information.  I'm no guru, I just write about my own experiences... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Little Band Big Jazz is a favorite of Robert's audio check out CDs.  When I first purchased it about 8 years ago, it didn't sound great, with a hashy horn section.  However, after installing myriad Stillpoints on all my equipment, it cleaned up.  ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I think effer means F.U. in slang. Could be Carpathian or troll adopting another name.  Same questions, rabid accusations, as if the other 1800+ posts didn't exist as to the product or OPs beta/final user status only.   
Interconnects and non-believers
The Cable Company allows one to test out any particular cable they carry on their own system.  How much better can it be for an in-home audition made suitable to one's own equipment and room acoustics?   
Interconnects and non-believers
I'm with sisyphus51, prof is boring.  I'm on this thread because I hear differences in break-in periods of components (parts of electronics, wiring, speakers) and believe in differences between them despite possible identical electrical measuremen... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I’m not afraid of using graphene even if the concentration were 100% as instructed for use as a contact enhancer. We know that it is not a significant amount weightwise and that the binder make up the majority of the product. Using the supplied gl... 
Interconnects and non-believers
rvpiano-I second your opinion! 
Interconnects and non-believers
GroverHuffman cables require a break-in period of no less than 15 hours. He won’t audition a design until it is broken-in. I usually cook them for over a day prior to listening to them (listening to his unbroken-in cables one tends to hear dynamic...