
Responses from fleschler

Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
I can see difficulty using any protractor when the pivot point is poorly defined in high end tonearms.  Luckily, I have an SME IV and Ultracraft AC400 which are easy to adjust.  I always wondered how to adjust an arm with an ill-defined pivot point. 
High End is Dead?
Just met a guy working for Best Buy (computers) who said he ripped his 1500 CDs to a computer drive and sold his CDs.  He hopes to one day purchase LPs and a turntable when he can afford it.    
High End is Dead?
I cannot spend time ripping my LPs and 78s.  I have a life other than audio.  I could rip my 7,000 CDs but I don't want to bother doing that either.  I have friends who primarily play only digital hi-res rips and streaming.  One has over 350,000 m... 
High End is Dead?
I built my house with a dedicated music room 25' X 23' with an 8' X 6' equipment alcove.  Unfortunately, I kept buying records and CDs since 1993 when I moved in.  I built in seismic reinforced shelving along most of three walls (worked great in t... 
High End is Dead?
Thank you.  I'm not in mourning over the situation as I am primarily into music, with 42,000 records and CDs as well as a mastering engineer for local orchestra and choirs.  Music is my primary avocation since I was 3 years old.  Coins are also ni... 
High End is Dead?
Wrong, I was a big stamp collector until the 1980s.  I loved the engraved stamps for their artistic merit.  Now, especially U.S. stamps, are photographs with self-adhesive backs, printed with a row of plate numbers which make buying sheets rather ... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
I've heard that NOS tubes used methods of fabrication which exposed workers to environmental hazards as the reason for either government or insurance reasons for discontinuing certain metals use in tube manufacturing.  Certain metals, combinations... 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
All tube pre-amps and amps in my main listening room and living room systems are never left on when I'm not in the room.  Tubes are too precious to burn up, the power draw is high on the amps but they run cool which is a good thing.  However, both... 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
I use a Bryston BIT20 isolation transformer for all my equipment BUT the amplifiers.  I have 130w. tube monoblocks which each have a pair of 7"X3" storage caps.  They suck up power and apparently don't like being plugged into the transformer.  The... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
I would like to hear from some experienced US user of the Kirmuss cleaner as well. 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
Yes, I rinsed using the VPI 16.5.  The record was click and pop free with low surface noise.  It just lacked the sparkle (the disc has a ton of highs) of those other half dozen discs that were not cleaned via a US unit.  I heard the a less than pr... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
Maybe I’ll just stick to using Disc Doctor cleaner on a VPI 16.5 with Mobile Fidelity brushes, rinsing twice with distilled water. A Monks or Loricraft would be safe choice relative to the unknown potential damage of KLAudio and AudioDesk (and has... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
terry9  The Kirmuss interview of his US is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKT5fvJ_otk starting at 45:25  Maybe the larger cavitation bubbles are necessary for 78s as is the lower temperature and greater distance between discs mentioned to be f... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
I've purchased ebay records where the seller used the KLAudio.  The records are nearly mint; however, they are missing their highs.  Multiple copies (I've given six of them as gifts cleaned on a VPI 16.5) of the AMERICAN PERCUSSION SOCIETY PRICE... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
I love Soupy Sales (Pooky was a lion and Hippy was a hippo-no squirrels). I have a nice collection of his 60’ shows and the complete 77-78’ shows. My wife prefers when we watch Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and Charley Chase. I add Laurel & Hard...