
Responses from fleschler

Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Let me second my agreement with Mr. Bob about Frank's system.  However, he has radically good vibration isolation plates under all his equipment and apparently high end cabling.  His CD player is 98% as good as my EAR Acute which is about $5-6,000... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
I wonder if using a 60 mil magnetic mat together with an Omega E-mat (stacked) will improve the sound.  Or stacking them or stacking E-Mats as suggested by Geoff with a 1/4" gap.  So many possibilities.  
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
sbayne..Could you tell us what mil/strength specification of magnetic mats you purchased? They typically come as 15, 20, 30 and 60 mil thickness. Thirty mats are a lot of mats.I can say that the E-mat after nine days, has fully resolved the mid-ra... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
Pokey just poked another hole in your unambiguous delight in Magico speakers; in particular, the A3.   Why don’t you tell him to leave this thread? I fully agree with him. Calling me a troll really burns me up so I will persist in answering your i... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
ebm  It is not only my opinion, but the opinion of several on a previous thread, this thread, many notable mastering engineers as well as current Magico owners.  Note that Folkfreak hated the sound as demonstated at shows.  I found them soulless e... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
melbguyone  Are you reporting me for starting opposite views from those who actually experienced Magico speakers and from other threads?  We are not trolls.  The thread was established by a negative view and you want similar views eradicated?  I a... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
I didn't know there was a previous thread on Magico A3s.  Some posters also found the A3 not to their liking and dark sounding.tutetibiimperes 199 posts 04-23-2018 10:34am I don’t know if I’d agree about the similarities with the S5.  I heard th... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
Sciencecop - I know all about the critics who are enamored with Magicos.  You didn't have to waste your time proving it to me.  However, why is it every time there is a new speaker, it's so superior to the last?  That's what I don't like about mos... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
Kevin Gray uses them and Andreas Meyer uses big B&Ws at Sony studios where he has done fantastic work. I think Harbeths are constricted at the frequency extremes so I don’t want them. Von Schweikert speakers colored, yeah, right. The number on... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
My wife and I notice more vibrant colors, maybe more 3-D like depth and sharpness on our TVs.  We tried an E-mat on top of our cablebox which sits on mini-ultra stillpoints and is plugged into an SR red duplex.  The results were that we couldn't s... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
For those who enjoy their Magico speakers, wonderful.  My unfortunate acquaintance with many of their speakers has soured me on the brand as well as my friends. 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
ebm-Kevin Gray, Steve Hoffman, Robert Pincus-all agree. Kevin prefers Harbeths. They are more expert than you. There wouldn’t be any great reissued LPs or CDs without them. I am not an audio expert, but after hearing Magicos at four shows and two ... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
I never heard the A3 so I withold comment on it. There are many deaf or deluded audiophiles who listen to sound and not music. My recent acquaintance who has a $850,000 audio system sounded awful (disjointed frequencies, blaring highs, muddled mid... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
I said I would rather own Harbeths than Magicos.  They aren't for me either.  I currently own Legacy Focus and Signature IIIs (2 systems).  I am thinking of replacing the Focus with either Von Schweikert VR55 Active or Luminwhite Kyara.  At least ... 
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...
Jhills, I think you are correct. VAC phi and iq 200 amps were designed to control low impedance speakers including Kingsound electrostats and can drive Magnapans. Driving a 3 ohm speaker should be a breeze. The mentioned VAC amps are a great choic...