
Responses from fleschler

Can you live with your current speaker until you die?
My Legacy Signature IIIs were purchased using a 16 watt Sherwood 7100 receiver (it killed his 200 watt Boulder amp due to an electrical mismatch with an his tube preamp).  Also sounds dynamic with punchy bass using a Yamaha R620 30 watt receiver. ... 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
I really like the Thales concept.  Does it have a similar sound as the SME IV or V is the question?   I wonder if the bass is as robust with those narrow arms and more delicate looking rear assembly.  Otherwise, I prefer it to the VPI unipivot arms. 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
Tom Port of Better Records recommends the Triplanar and uses one.  My SME IV also has great bass, probably not as good as the Triplanar though. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
jafreeman   My amps were designed and rebuilt by Grover Huffman of GroverHuffman.com cable manufacturer.  These were extensively rebuilt with few remaining parts/connectors. If you have read the forum posts by Oregonpapa (Frank), you would see tha... 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
I haven't heard the Legacy Focus SE, but know the problem I had for years with the original Focus speakers.  There was insufficient damping material (dacron stuffing) behind the twin mid-ranges.  Once I stuffed them nearly full, leaving a space fo... 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
I found this forum interesting because the Audiomods V reviewed here http://www.sixmoons.com/audioreviews/audiomods/4.html is compared to an SME (I didn't catch which one, or not specified).   It was very clear as to the differences and most audio... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Unfortunately, there are no feet/footers on my amps.  They were originally theater wall mounted horizontally into walls and gave off radiation (700+ volts).  Modified (very highly), they have only 450v. and the chassis is made out of sheet metal. ... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
jafreeman, the two on top and one under the Bryston IT works great. My amps are custom built and the Mat’s can’t go under (stillpoints under at a triangle too small for an E-Mat, with tubes sideways (too hot to place on top) with one side for fron... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Just one E-Mat over the main power panel greatly improves both picture and sound. A mid-fi Yamaha CR620 receiver hooked up to the TV output (good cabling though) and a pair of ADS L620 speakers with one E-Mat resulted in deeper, more detailed bass... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
Graphene is being sold in bulk to specialty applications.  In bulk, it 's relatively inexpensive.  Here are three examplesGraphene in solution single layerhttps://www.amazon.com/Single-Layer-Graphene-Oxide-Aqueous-Dispersion/dp/B00EE0XPNQ/ref=sr_1... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
amg56 What if the E-Cards technology is so simple and so safe that anyone could duplicate it, or maybe just simple enough for a company like Synergistic Research? I understand that could be the reason and reticence in releasing any more informatio... 
The "how many reviews it got" rule
XTAC speakers commentary on why they are unique and superior to ALL other speaker designs (per the manufacturer). https://audiomachina.com/xtac/commentary/ I’d love to hear speaker engineers/designers comment, especially on the Time/Amplitude equa... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
100% geoff.  I've known about graphene for at least five or six years.  Many start-up companies tout their investment value in future graphene medical uses (too many small companies for me to invest in).  There's so much graphene around, just look... 
The "how many reviews it got" rule
The best sound I and all the critics in the past several years heard, were the Ultra 11 Von Schweikerts. I’m considering the VR55K at $50K-$60K for a smaller room than the showroom hall. How about the great sounding, efficient Lumenwhites, virtual... 
Speaker Recommendation: 20K range
I like the Sanders and the Tekton speakers sonically; however, they are directional and not appealing for an off axis, wide listening experience.  I had to get rid of my Martin Logan Monolith IIIs because my wife used to listen with me and that wa...