Responses from fleschler
Audiogon member suggestions for a speaker that sounds good at low volume!!! Funny thing is that I've heard my friends AvantGarde Trios with triple basshorns which are 110db efficient; however, they don't sound good unless played moderately loud. My own setup allows me to hear my music softly at 70-80db, moderate and usua... | |
Why Power Cables Affect Sound I haven't read all 10 pages of posts but here's another example of an extreme difference between PCs. My EAR Acute CD player came with a cheap computer grade PC. I switched to a Audioquest PCs NRG 3 and 5s. The result was nearly the same, slow... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. ramtubes - So, you don't believe power cables make a difference other than connectors and isolation transformers are worthless? Is that correct? | |
The Future of Audio Amplification The first time I got so excited that I danced to a music system was when I was about 5 listening to a six way mono really big box speaker through Heathkit tube gear in 1961 listening to Dvorak Slavonic Dances and Brahms Hungarian Dances on Capitol... | |
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming gosta - I think kahlenz commented on GD and his recommendation is a good one. | |
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming My LPs, 78s and CDs are permanent items as long as there are adequate playback devices for them. I can access them only limited by electrical power, not by internet frailties. | |
The Future of Audio Amplification This month's Stereophile has the Cary and the Cambridge integrated back to back reviewed. The Cambridge received an outstanding Atkinson review and quite good listening review. We know what the Cary received. | |
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital.. Well, I really liked recording to DCC because it sounded so much better than CDs. I think it is a lot closer to analog sound than most digital solid state device recordings (computer, recording devices). My own DCC recordings sounded similar to ... | |
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD Which LP are you talking about the Ramsey Lewis or the Mitropolous? Both are stereo, great stereo at that on CD. Stereo Columbia orchestral recordings are particularly peculiar sounding, bright and thin relative to Living Stereo, Living Presence... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Plasma TV has a tube like sensitivity in warmth, color and engaging the viewer. I’ve moved on to top of the line LCD TVs with higher resolution and brightness, a solid state like sensitivity. OLED TV is similar to a combination of the two prior te... | |
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming kahlenz You must be kidding I hope. Classical and jazz sound are acceptable to hear with compressed sound? That’s utter nonsense. Classical and jazz are especially critical to hear (and enjoy) with a full panoply of dynamics, both micro and macro.... | |
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital.. You’re correct, I spent $6K on my CD player and $28K on my analog set-up. I won’t spend more than $20K on CD playback but I will spend up to $40K or $50K for LP playback.Until you’ve heard my system or my friends systems who have near SOTA CD play... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. I had the Acoustat Xs back in the early 80s. They sounded very good with their built in high voltage amps (dangerous things). However, they looked like coffins (my late wife's terms) and had lost all its highs above the speaker height, about 4' ... | |
Can you live with your current speaker until you die? skhkong78 Thanks about the upgrading components. Once I placed the Signature IIIs in my living room, it was mated to a voltage regulated (non-ultralinear) redesigned Dynaco ST70 with tremendous bass and original Mullard EL34 output tubes. Also,... | |
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD I agree with spatialking that mono LPs can be breathtakingly great sounding (I have many jazz LPs that prove that), I also despair at the inferior sound of many LPs, especially minor labels who cheaped out on the vinyl and/or mastering or major la... |