

Responses from falconquest

Here comes the solar maximum.
Well, here we are once again facing the solar maximum. Will we escape unscathed? Listen to the Physics Girl to find out.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85-p9EIEVUA      
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
I asked a dealer this question a long time ago when looking for an amplifier. I said, "You know,we spend all this money on our systems but what about source material?" He just looked at me and shrugged. What gets me is the vast difference in recor... 
Recommend me a Class A Integrated Amp (or sound like Class A amp)
I have to give another vote for Plinius. Very nice sounding amps that don’t get a lot of attention here.   
The review wehave been promising is up
@ticat  You stated: " Hey... although I agree with almost everything said above... let me remind everyone that Salesmen are an internal part of the equation of Life. Like it or Not... Sharks, Cops, Engineers, Lawyers, Skunks, Politicians, Snak... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
+1 for Hurdy Gurdy!  
A perfect song? What are your choices?
I realize the choices made here are highly subjective. I purposely kept the suggestion vague go see what kind of responses I would get. Anyone have any thoughts on some of the “better” suggestions here?  
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@lancer705 The Gregory Alan Isakov tune was great. I really like the lyrics and vocals. The videography was amazing!  
A perfect song? What are your choices?
@atp001 I think the Decemberists song is "perfect" for many reasons. It has a nostalgic quality with its reference to naivete at 17, driving your parent’s car and at the lake with a girl you admire but don’t know quite what to do. The fleeting nat... 
Can moving wire location at circuit breaker reduce hum?
Well, you have received lots of advice but I'll throw one more at you of a bit different nature. If you decide to create a dedicated circuit then pulling wire is plain grunt work that requires no special training. If you can access everything easi... 
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines?
Yeah, I have to agree with @jasonbourne52 .8 AWG seems like overkill. I have a powerful SS amp and I ran my own dedicated line. I used 12 AWG because I had a whole box of it on hand. My system is dead quiet and I have no problems. I can see going ... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
I don’t care for trumpet at all. It’s just too “blary” for me. Not really a word but best way to describe it. Most of my dislikes are genres as opposed to specific artists. Opera, Country, Rap, Death Metal, just don’t do it for me. Otherwise I’m p... 
Any Decemberists fans out there?
My rotation has been...   The Crane Wife Lake Song Wrong Year Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect The Beginning Song Make You Better  
Looking for a change.
I have a Plinius 9100 integrated available. Many compare Plinius with Pass Labs. Contact me if interested.  
Looking for an integrated amp to replace my Cayin A-50T
I have a Plinius 9100 available. It is a sweet sounding SS amp. 120 watts but very powerful. FYI  
Did Audiogon get sold to the Chinese or Russian Govt?
As @larsman said, Audiogon is a private company. I just don't understand the argument people make about free speech when dealing with private entities and that means all social media as well. Get it through your head, a private company is FREE to ...