
Responses from exlibris

mastersound SET amps from Italy
Dazzdax,Right now, in the US, they are as follows:300 B Monoblock: $11,695845 Monoblock: $14,995PF 100 Monoblock: $39,995(These are the limited edition amps using four 845s to produce 117 wpc)I haven't heard any of their 845-based offerings so I c... 
Stand out phono stages
I'd like a little more harmonic richness than what the CAT products offer. 
Stand out phono stages
The reason I ask is because the Zanden pair and the Aesthetix pair are on my current shortlist. Of the four pieces in question I have only heard the Callisto in my system. From that and from what I've read, I am merely making assumptions about the... 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
Dazzdax,First up, I'm not buying the 20 wpc amp, I am going to buy either their 40 wpc or 117 wpc monoblocks. I just have the little integrated amp on loan.This amp sounds nothing like typical solid state and very little like premium SS. In my cur... 
Stand out phono stages
Nil,Have you ever compared the Zanden phono and linestages to the Aesthetix Io and Callisto in your system? 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
Has anybody compared any of Mastersound's 300b-based offerings with one of their 845-based offerings? 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
Believe it or not I'm driving my 81dB efficient MBL 101Es with their 20 wpc 300B integrated.I will be ordering a pair of their monoblocks but I won't know which ones until I hear one of their 845-based products.Though 20 watts are not enough for m... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Rwbadley,Just for the fun I tried a 20wpc, 300b SET amp on my MBLs. The spatial presentation and overall coherence in the soundstage is incredible. The time and phase correctness when running this tube single ended is astonishing. I'm going to try... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Cool; have fun! 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Congratulations! It sounds like you have a great system.Before I bought my MBLs I was actually actively looking for horns. May I ask which ones you have? 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
It's funny, an old friend came but yesterday. He had never heard a high-end system before. When I played him a song he did the usual 'jaw drop' thing and then went on about how he could see the singer there, the fingers of the guitarist moving alo... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
Very well. My post only covers location, not all the other things that a system has to do properly.The following isn't by way of argumentation it is just more ramblings about locality or, better still NON-LOCALITY...You mentioned that you were not... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
I should have noted in my original post that my system rarely reaches level 6 and quite often doesn't even reach level 5.I should also have noted that this post could just as easily have gone into the "preamplifier" forum because I believe that ge... 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
That's a good suggestion. When I move to my new listening room I'll give it a try.Is Glasgal's system the one in the photo with the MBLs at the front and the Soundlabs at the back? 
Live music, headphones, and speakers long
I had read about or seen pictures of the acoustic barrier that you are talking about. I didn't know, however, that the speakers should be very close together. The problem is that I know I wouldn't be comfortable sitting with the end of a mattress,...