
Responses from exlibris

Amp for below 105 Hz
Elberoth2,You assume correctly, I need the amp to drive the woofers in the 101Es. "Belles," that is a surprise. Do you know which model he's using and if the gain is adjustable? 
Stand out phono stages
If I'm understanding you correctly, the amps and the linestage were different in all three demos?If this was the case, I wouldn't be able to say anything meaningful about the contribution of any of the phonostages. 
FAL speakers and drivers
Yes, I've spoken with John and I think I've read everything there is to read about them on the internet. It's good to hear things like "they make a piano sound like a piano" from people who have actually heard the speakers.If I buy them, I will bu... 
Stand out phono stages
Kondo Audio Note Japan M-7Kondo Audio Note Japan M-1000 mkII 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
If I ever get a pair of high-efficiency speakers I'll have a great time trying out various 300B SETs!MBLs and Tubes:A fellow audiophile here in Canada has tried lots of excellent amps (SS and tube) on his MBL 101Es and it looks like he will be goi... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Atmasphere,I think I will always be on the hunt in audio. It is part of what makes the hobby fun for me. The goal I have for my system is to replicate real life and since I will never accomplish that something will always be amiss. I'll never find... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Hello Atmasphere,To say that the 20 watt, 300B 'drove' the MBLs would be very misleading. There was next to no deep bass, there was nothing in reserve for dynamic peaks, and I couldn't play my system over 91dB. Nonetheless, it did produce the best... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
The Audio Space preamp and Hovland Stratos amps did not get close enough to the magic of the little Mastersound 300B integrated.It looks like I will be selling the Hovlands and going with the Mastersound 845 monoblocks. 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Yes, that is certainly a possibility although when I heard it a few years back it came across as beautiful but euphonic (not that there is anything wrong with that). I think the Audio Space will more closely match the 'modern' 300B sound that I wa... 
Stand out phono stages
Busypk,I haven't heard it myself, I was just looking for comments from those who had. You've obviously heard it; was it in a system with which you were familiar? 
Stand out phono stages
Kondo Audio Note Japan M7 phonostage?Anyone?Bueller? 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Anybody heard the Audio Space Reference 2 full-function preamplifier?It uses 300Bs and is a truly balanced design. Jonathan Valin did a review of it in the August 2007 issue of "The Absolute Sound." Hear are some quotes:"the Audio Space Reference ... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Promising indeed. 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Thanks Pubul57.Larryi,I owned a Sira many years ago and though it was noisy, I loved the way it lit-up the soundstage with ambient information.You mention the ANUK M-8. Do you know if it is similar to the ANJ M-77? Someone recently warned me that ... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
The SET is an integrated with a passive line section. In fact, this is the ONLY 'premplification' that I have ever used with my SET. The other linestages (those listed above) were in my system with amps such as the: Manley 250; Atma-Sphere MA-2; a...