
Responses from exlibris

Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Thanks again to everyone. I should note that I have not ruled out one of the preamps on my original list: Aesthetix Callisto Signature. It's the best I've had in my system (I never owned it, I just borrowed it). One of the reasons I started the th... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Jtimothya,If you'd like you can click the 'threads' link beside my name and read my very long and boring threads that attempt to explain what I'm looking for. I realize that most audiophiles don't know what I'm talking about most of the time so I'... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Salectric,Please realize that you are preaching to someone who took two months to research and locate the type of lacquer would sound best on the spruce, pine, and cedar, that cover his entire listening room.If you have indeed looked at my system ... 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Thanks Teajay!Never even heard of it before. 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Salectric,By the way, those lists of all the equipment I've had in my system cover years and years; not the last few months.Thanks to all for the suggestions so far; I've always wanted to try the Tron Syren and the VAC. 
Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism
Salectric,No worries. I am both cursed and blessed by the fact that I can try lots of things inside my system for long periods of time, free of charge. I only make a change if it is clearly for the better and it is only then that I actually buy a ... 
Aesthetix Callisto and Io Eclipse
I humbly suggest that Aesthetix develop its own website. 
Aesthetix Callisto and Io Eclipse
Thank you.The price quoted on the Stereophile page is $22,000 for the Callisto Eclipse with dual power supply and remote. Adding the Io Eclipse would put the price into Kondo Audio Note Japan territory (KSL-M77). I'm curious as to which sounds bet... 
Stand out phono stages
Anyone familiar with the phono section of the Kondo Audio note Japan M77 and their external step-up transformer? 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
I had a chance to the hear the Mastersound Compact 845 amp in my system compared with the 300 PSE. If I went through a checklist of twenty audiophile-approved criteria most checks would probably end up with the 845. I would then unplug the 845, pu... 
Aesthetix Callisto signature or ARC Ref3
I agree that the M77 is ridiculously priced. Assuming you could pick one up used at half-price, however, that would be around $21k for a phonostage and linestage.I think the Aesthetix Io phono and Callisto line with dual power supplies would be ar... 
Aesthetix Callisto signature or ARC Ref3
I too would like to know if anyone has compared the Callisto Signature to the Audio Note Kondo M77, Tron Syren, or Harmonix Reimyo CAT-777.The Callisto is the best linestage I've heard but I haven't heard these others. 
Soundsmith Strain Gage Cartridge system
I talked to two people that heard the system at CES. They were not overly impressed. Then again, they were unfamiliar with some of the other components in the system. 
Lansche Goa plasma tweeter speakers at CES 2007
Lansche has a few speaker systems that use the ion tweeter. The "GOA" employs a horn midrange, and the models "No.4.1" and "No.8" do not.I'm not sure which ones they brought to CES 2008 but I would like to hear from anyone that heard them. 
mastersound SET amps from Italy
I owned the Viva 845 monoblocks a couple of years ago."Not all Watts are created equal."I couldn't agree more with that statement!