
Responses from eugene81

Who here uses Von Gaylord amps or other gear?
Extremely cool! You can literally put your hands on them when they are fully warmed up (not too long though). I have a 20 month old toddler and I don't sweat it when she gets close because if she touches the tubes I know there's no chance of her g... 
BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?
I will also add that the differences when I added a dedicated 20A lines were marginal. In terms of significance for me: aR2p-TO line conditioner >> Porter Port outlets >> dedicated lines. I know I am in the minority here. Perhaps my ex... 
Who here uses Von Gaylord amps or other gear?
Good to see other fans out there and I'm not crazy in my enthusiasm for this company!Trelja, I agree about the 6550. I used to have a VTL ST-150, which was great on intimate/acoustic type music, but too dark and not so good with rock. I also felt ... 
BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?
Just want to mention that I ended up with an Audience aR2p-TO. WOW it's like magic! Totally brought everything to life! 
Tannoy Turnberry SE Imaging and Breaking In
2 weeks later: these guys are imaging very well! I have to disagree that Tannoys don't do "audiophile tricks", they just don't do them in an exaggerated way. Soundstage placement is no longer an issue and I hear even better distinction between ins... 
SF Grand Piano Home tweeter upgrade
If you don't mind losing $70 or whatever difference you can't make up, then by all means give it a shot. Just don't drill new holes or make any irreversible changes otherwise as the new tweets will make your speakers virtually impossible to resell... 
Tannoy Turnberry SE Imaging and Breaking In
Thanks for your replies.48 hours later: BIG improvement in imaging and even more so in soundstage! Everything is well-placed in orchestra - this may now be the most impressive type of music given the huge scale and dynamics these speakers produce.... 
Pass Labs XP10 or Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE
For me, the W4S did not sound thin at all. On the contrary, images were quite dense and saturated, maybe even more so than my Conrad Johnson CT-5 (though not as delicate or refined). This is exactly the reason it replaced my Placette Passive while... 
BADA DAC 1 Connection Question
AFAIK you can't go unbalanced -> balanced with a simple adapter, so one of the three transports would have to have a balanced output.Short of changing your components, you could connect your TV to the BADA via TOSlink and connect the Oppo and t... 
Class A amplifiers - which are considered the best
Pass XA gets so much overwhelming love here I will give my +1 to Luxman. I replaced a Pass XA-30.5 with a Luxman M-600a and haven't looked back. Similar, but better all around for me. Like the sound, the build quality and craftsmanship is also mor... 
Conrad Johnson ET2 - ANYBODY?
Oh well, I bought a CT5 anyway. :) Still interested to know more about this ET2, though. Someday... 
Conrad Johnson ET2 - ANYBODY?
Ungrounded power cord: Will I die?
Can you tie a floating chassis to a grounded chassis with a speaker wire? 
BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?
Bigshutterbug, that's a good point. The Audience units come with a powerChord e, which is my cord of choice and used elsewhere in my system. It would be great to hear from somebody who has used an aR6 or aR12 and one of the balanced power units.Ra... 
BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?
Thanks for the input.OK, maybe not *completely* ignored. I've installed a Porter Port outlet (big gains) and 2 Blue Circle BC 86 MKIII filters (less so). I'm hoping a more sophisticated conditioner will provide huge improvements given the cost. I'...