
Responses from emorrisiv

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton, once again I agree with you 100%, and I would add Hyperion and Proprius to my favorites. For the combination of high quality recordings and performances it is hard to beat the London/Decca/Argo label. The K.Wilkinson pressings of course a... 
which is better ? MC phono stage or MM+step-up ?
This is were the the word "hobby" truly comes into play. I have a SS phono section with both mm and mc outputs. I always felt like the mm was much better than the mc side. So I started doing a lot of reading on SUTs. I obtained a set of transforme... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton:The first time I heard the ship's horn I laughed out loud!I love Lyritas. As you know I am a true Anglophile.I could kick myself for not buying more of them back when they were easy to get.Try to pick up the Bliss if you can,you will surel... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Just picked up several lps at Half-Priced bookstore. Here are my really good fines:Victory at Sea #1. Ship's cannons firing salvos all over the place.Ship's horns blowing and even moving across the sound stage. Music akin to Elgar symphonic tone p... 
Cartridge Loading
Just changed my whole setup. I just finished building a SUT MC tranformer(I plan on starting a string on DIY SUT). The setting that I am using comes to 200 ohm. This transformer just took my analog rig to another level. Much better dynamics,lower ... 
Cartridge Loading
Listen and learn.I decided to try going back down on the loading.I went back to 1k after going all the way up to 47k.While listening to choral music;I started noticing that every time a word ended with "s" it had a strident snake like sound.So I w... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton, thanks for the invitation.I will return the same if you ever find yourself in Cincinnati,Ohio please give me a message. I listen all the time and would love to have you and the same goes for slipknot.Just rebuilt my Hafler 220 and it is b... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton: I love most of your recordings. We could have a good time together listening. The Holst Savitri is a very interesting piece, and with Janet Baker how can you lose? I have the Shostakovitch piano concerto on Chandos with the son conducting... 
most articulate speaker
Tbg:I don't want to spread bs of any kind.I have no reason to.I can assure you that my Acoustats go well below 60hz, and image very well.It sounds like you are another one of the guys that have never had them or had them in a poor room.I have neve... 
most articulate speaker
After reading several of the above posts I have come to the conclusion that a lot of people have either never heard ESLs and are guessing or if they did indeed hear them,they were placed poorly,the room was wrong, the electronics were wrong or the... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ghosthouse: The Dire Straits "Private Investigations" has become a reference for some of us in our local club.It seems to me that all the Dire Straits recordings are excellent; low noise floor and very nuanced and uncompressed,but the "Love Over G... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Truly excellent list Rushton.e 
Vinyl reissues
I think if we were to eliminate the word "Audiophile" the prices of these reissues would be more reasonable.$50.00 for ANY record is nuts! Can you imagine the poor guy operating the stamper;while each pressing comes off he says to himself,$50.00,$... 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
I think it is a common mistake to equate Wagner the man with Wagner the Nazi hero. The Nazi's exploited the "Wagnerian Hero" icon for their own propaganda.Indeed, the idea that Hitler wept when you heard Das Rhinegold brings tears to my eyes....NO... 
Vinyl reissues
Tim, I will get back with first hand listening soon.I never said anything about being sorry for you.I didn't mean to sound disrespectful.I only typed that I have not heard a reissue that was better than the original. The FBR is such a great piece ...