
Responses from emorrisiv

How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
thanks V 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Thanks V. I have used a 25k stepped attenuator and built myself a little one input passive preamp (no autoformer)and it sounds pretty nice using the Pas2 as a phono stage only. The weird this is;I don't have to turn on the tape monitor,it just wor... 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Viridian: a St70,though very interesting to me,would never work with my speakers (Acoustat 2s).Correct me if I am wrong,but Joe's circuit removes some of the caps to be replaced by wire? He seems to have a handle on the RIAA curve. I will send you... 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
I noticed that when I started looking at the values.This Pas has been rebuilt, but it was done before I bought it. The 250k pot is too sensitive and the pre sounds very good. I am wondering if the guy that did the mods changed the values toward th... 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
I looked up Orange drops online and I must not have them because mine are redder than what they show. I can't see anyone's name on them.Also I would say that this pre doesn't have a harsh bone in it's body.I noticed on the Dyno Doc's image what lo... 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Regarding the Dynaco Doctor image: is this mod to bring the RIAA curve closer to spec? As for the caps: what voltage should the phono board caps be?I am thinking of doing the Dayton foil caps.Good price and easy (1 day) delivery. e 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
I bought a kit for my hafler and most of the caps were Daytons. The amp sounds better than new.I am curious about the russian oil and paper.There is not that much on these boards, so I imagine it is pretty cheap to recap. How about the resistors?e 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Thanks guys. I will change my order on the attenuator.This mod doent' look too bad to perform.Do you guys recommend any particular caps?e 
Dynaco PAS 2 value and difference to PAS 3?
Ralph, that sounds like it could be beyond my beginner abilities unless I had directions.I think that the impedance values are kind of weird, but I can live with it for now.Very sensitive volume pot.I saw that there is a guy that offers new "Spice... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Bermuda; You need to play the Allegri this Wednesday, since it was written to be sung on Ash Wednesday at the Sistine Chapel. Don't wash the ash off either.It makes for better listening.e 
Dynaco PAS 2 value and difference to PAS 3?
Ralph here is my progress and plans.I have bypassed the tone controls. All the caps have been replaced.(orange drops from the looks of them)I replaced the funky bad balance volume pot and disconnected the loudness feature.I added a couple of 47k r... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Srwooten: Back in the better days, we always called LPs "discs". I guess I never stopped. LOL!For all those that love the Allegri. You should all listen to it on Wednesday since it was written to be sung on Ash Wednesday at the Sistine Chapel.cheerse 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Viridian: Do you think I should use a 100k pot? I am not using the loudness feature.I have been looking at the math and I am unsure.The low level input is 50k and the high level input is 250k and the output is 1k.I have been reading up on pots and... 
Dynaco PAS 2 value and difference to PAS 3?
I just picked up a Pas 2 that looks just like a Pas 3 so I assume it is a later production model. IMHO bypassing the tone controls is a instant upgrade.It eliminated a lot of noise and it is so easy to do anyone with any soldering skills can do it... 
How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas
Viridian: I was thinking I would just purchase on of the upgraded power supply mods from Audio Regenesis. Here is there link:http://www.audioregenesis.com/projects/index.htmlNot expensive and a easy conversion and makes the amp much safer and with...