
Responses from emorrisiv

Any Opinions on Dehavilland 50A amp?
The Snell E is a 8ohm/90db two way. If you check out the Audio Note ANE you will find that it is based on the Snell E.amazingly you can get the Snells on Agon for about $300.00. A true sleeper. 
Any Opinions on Dehavilland 50A amp?
Had my friend with his De Havillands over. We hooked them up to my Snell E speakers and let them warm up. After listening to several LPs I came to the conclusion that this was a special amp. SET midrange with LOTS! of headroom,bass and slam. The a... 
Next Analog Steps: VPI Scout Users
If it is possible to hear a new cartridge I would go there. From what I have read of the JMW arms is that they are fairly compatible with a lot of really good pickups.ZYX comes to mind.I have heard a ZYX with a VPI Aries/JMW 12.6 and it was glorio... 
Recommendation needed for Turntable
There are and have been several VPI HMW 19s on Audiogon that even come with a nice cartridge for less than your budget.If you are looking at these,I would try to find one that is at least a Mk.III. Not as easy, but I have seen them (and Mk.IV as w... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
I have acquired a couple of Chris Isaak LPs."Chris Isaak"(first album)and "Heart Shaped World" (my favorite Chris Isaak). These are fairly rare,because he started recording at the beginning of the CD days. Anyway, these are really good.I also have... 
Cartridge Question
Brent it sounds like your scale should be alright. It needs to be accurate to at least two decimal points. Also, you will want to do your scale measurements beside the platter, not on it. Use a deck of cards to make the scale the same height as th... 
Cartridge Question
I agree with Viridian and would add that if the same guy who told you that you needed a different cartridge because of the output level being too low on the Goldring, has done the setup;I would recheck it.Get a decent protractor and a digital scal... 
Classical Record Labels and Recording Engineers...
Period groups that use gut strings (and curved bows)usually play at a LOWER "temperment". 415 vs 440 for example. so that would have nothing to do with the bright brittle sound they might have had.As for personal favorites,I have to say Argo and B... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
I am a old malt and cigar guy,so of course I love the Islay region.My favorite is Bowmore 17 which they have stopped production of (I have one bottle left).It has a almost citrous/vanilla accent with a nice balance of smoke and peat.Laphroig 10 (I... 
Any Opinions on Dehavilland 50A amp?
I have heard these amps. I hope to get to hear them with my Snell Es. I am afraid it is going to be really good.I am afraid because I am unemployed and there is no way I can think about a 12k amp.Meanwhile, I got to hear these on a relatively high... 
Stereo Separation - Turntable
A test record can be very helpful for base lining things,but I find that the more you understand and "hear" what is going on with the rig that you will make adjustments for the better. This is particularly true with VTA. I also adjust my VTF frequ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton,Nice choice.Do you have the Janet Baker/Barfirolli/ Elgar Sea Pictures?Truly one of my favorite Janet Baker discs and I have most of them. Her Mahler "Kindertotenleider is another.e 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Tonight I am listening to a LP I just got from Brazil.Chris Isaak "Heart shaped World". This seems to be a fairly rare piece on vinyl.It is a wonderful recording with great presence,bass,and smooth mid bass.Too bad the version I have is not in the... 
I'm shocked
I bought a 9001 at a garage sale for $15.00. True it only has the composite cable but this little thing is fantastic.It images well,has plenty of bass,and has a very sweet non CD sounding treble.Top loading for $15.00!I am looking out for a 1001.T... 
Stereo Separation - Turntable
David you will find that vinyl sound staging is much bigger in general. There is so much more nuance to LPs that it will be strange to you when you hear something that you "know" from years on CD.You should play around with your speaker placement ...